After 3rd Grade frustration
begins in schools
& also goes homes after school to Parents,

Anger continues to be focused also on Peers and Teachers and/or even with Parents who struggle to help …..

When FVYD fixes the problem & recovers his READING SKILLS life changes for these youth. And… for all the kids!
Essential Program For Schools 5/2024
Dear Superintendent,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to bring your attention to the ESSA-supportive Essential Reading Recovery Program offered by FVYD, a 501c3 community non-profit organization in Maine. This program is designed to save our kids and support ALL our teachers by providing a unique approach to recovering Students’ reading skills. That is what makes this program “essential” for all schools.
FVYD is promoting the inclusion of this program as the first essential step at 3rd grade in your school. This short program is for that one student when what is missing in their reading is the fluency and comprehension of what they are trying to read.
We believe that our reading skill recovery work is complete yet simple. That means it has the potential to make a significant and quick impact on reading success. This 15-minute work for just those few months- when implemented in schools has proven most productive, direct, & provides a more effective reading pathway than any current services in schools today; including those with special services.
*Testimonials from students, parents, teachers, & principals attest to the success of our short program. This ESSA-supportive protocol operates through a supportive tracking pathway with minimal intrusion, garnering immediate positive responses.
For our ever-increasing number of at-risk students, we all should recognize the critical need for this new, highly effective approach to reading – that provides a new avenue to students for peer equality and inclusion within their classrooms. We emphasize that the Reading Recovery Program is NOT a literacy program but rather simple and applied mechanics. We are ready to address the needs of youth in all public schools across Maine and America.
Please contact FVYD at (207)-236-4736, Deborah Parker, President. Alternatively, you can reach us via email at [email protected].
Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate and make a positive impact on the education and future of our students.

Look what this WELL HEALTH GROWTH will soon achieve with your help:
With FVYD work along with Group Action New Gains G.A.N.G are possible.
1.With a collaborative effort now we will renew the reading approach & skill mechanics.
2.Teachers will have a different school classroom environment, with a real education future possible for ALL our kids.
3.Soon with reading kids, many professional fields will have a new base upon which to proliferate their own pathways to our kids success.
4.It will open us up in a field of learning to fuel new endeavors for a creative Life Skills path with Well Health Promotion work to drive the G.A.N.G action forward.
5.We will Save our Kid and extend their learning pathway to reach more positive goals.
So let’s get together save American public schools, teachers & all our kids at risk quickly. These kids and youth cannot wait one more day for this G.A.N.G work! When their lives are at stake, immediate action must be taken! Send the letter (above to all to make a difference), sign your name and/or make that phone call. Help these Kids not only SURVIVE, help them THRIVE. Get this FVYD program included as an “essential one” in your schools today! ASK your SUPERINTENDENT, TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION & PARENT TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION (PTA) to help also & make that decision to advance this simple work for the 40% who need it today. Let these Testimonials speak to those persons and groups.
And…lets not forget your State DOE & Governor’s Office also, ask them to contact FVYD today and invite us in!
Thank you.
Deborah Parker, Pres. FVYD 207-236-4736 P.O. Box 312 West Rockport, Me 04865