Future Visions Youth Development Inc.
Future Visions Youth Development Inc. (FVYD) is a 501C3 non-profit organization that is working hard to improve reading skills in Maine’s local schools. By implementing a simple Reading Skill Recovery program in all Maine public schools, we can quickly boost school ratings from “C” to higher
grades and promote a decrease in property taxes. Our goal is to bring our kids up to proficiency levels in reading as noted by Reading Assessment Standard Tools i.e., NEAP, NECAP, NWEA scores. This is most probable and done quickly with a 15min./12 week ‘Essential program” for all Schools. (See our FVYD Reading Skills Recovery program Testimonials).
Let them speak to you! We KNOW that this program will help ALL our students achieve success in their academic careers and beyond.
In addition to improving our local schools, with 40% of students who cannot read past a 3rd-grade level today, we would also like to consider FVYD training in the future for our workforce.
Do Not Miss Alex
As a great FVYD example for Elementary School– This is Alex. He repeated the fourth grade four times before he was finally caught by FVYD in a behavioral school at the age of 13. He was quite big for 4th grade & often a difficult student. He was suspended frequently due to his behavior. He wanted in to our FVYD program at his school. He approached me.
FVYD determined by our checklist that he qualified for it His mother initially refused since he had just had a Medical Eye Exam that came back as an all-clear 20/20. Then we explained that is not what FVYD does. Alex still fought hard, this time to be transferred later to the behavioral school where FVYD’s program was also offered. His sister and teacher, together convinced his mother to allow him to join the FVYD program there. FVYD was able to help him improve his reading skills and after summer school he advanced. He
has never repeated a grade again. How do I know that?
***Many years later, while I was in the park, a man suddenly started yelling my name and running towards me. Before I could even react, he lifted me off my feet and gave me a big hug. I realized that the man was Alex and, I was happy to hear that he now had a great family and a
successful landscaping business.
What Education Success Looks Like
When this simple FVYD program unlocks the potential of all students academically-& our schools classrooms change to grossly eliminate the bullying these Middle schools kids often
experience. Then overnight, as we help more kids read effectively with fluency and comprehension. All Education will experience new freedom to follows our successful work &
with Education that will be there to empower it forward and further for all.
So Lets Move Rockland Forward to the Head of the Class!
Today FVYD has the intention to expand our program to five local schools, now & still this year. This work supports teachers as it provides students with a new much more unique learning pathway. Our community leaders can SAVE our struggling Kids in elementary schools (like South School) &; our At-Risk Kids in (Oceanside) middle &; High Schools. (And, for Waldoboro also). Our simple work helps reduces the feelings of failure and guilt between parents & their teens. It does this by changing their youth’s in-school lives as academics & peer relationships will both improve greatly also. Home become comfortable for all again. (While….Katies Case shows the reading progress made from 3.4 grade level to better than 7.8 grade reading scores- in 2+ Quarters & with behavioral changes overnight.
…Improving school ratings can do wonders to have a positive impact on the local economy:
poverty rate, and property tax rate.
Help us now!
Get all Community Leaders to call our Superintendent and finally “Support our
Teachers! They are not the ones at fault here! For these 40% of non-reading kids, only after this
FVYD short program- will our teachers truly feel their teaching efforts effective.
Then, when everyone has equal opportunities & peer equality, school life changes for the better and the entire Community will benefit from it & thrive.
Testimonials & Symptoms
Let these Kids, Parents, Teachers, and Other Caring Voices speak to ALL!
Call Your Superintendent
We are fortunate to have the opportunity to focus on the safety of our youth, the improvement of our schools, and the enhancement of learning. As FVYD, we are here to provide you with the necessary “How to “Answers” to achieve these goals.
Please hear the words our Kids speak loudly!
Once they are empowered and can…they do want to Read Books too.
Without FVYD those 40% of our KIDS ARE AT RISK OF A SAD FUTURE!…..and the simple program of 12 weeks/15 minutes/day…can change it within a 15 minute program. Special Services can not do this—there is no program now anywhere, like what Future Vision Youth Development Inc., FVYD a 501c3 Nonprofit offers you, Today! Just Call your Local superintendents now & open the doors to a simple but most effective short inclusion program—bored kids grow brighter when they recover their reading skills.—Let’s make it happen.