Let’s together, SAVE our KIDS!
We, FVYD 501c3 Community Non-profit Organization, are here to help!
Let’s speak now & together about making some simple yet significant essential short program changes in our schools. With a 12-week/15-minute program…. (See Essential Page “Show & Tell)
Katie’s Case
It’s time you know about FVYD Reading Skills Recovery! And…By Now All Should Know! The School classroom environment has to be conducive to learning.
Our kids at risk from 3rd grade on instead of sitting often bored with problematic behavior with no hope of change for the future. Now within school, we can refocus that 40% of students who do not read quickly back onto a new learning pathway
Our wonderful teachers must have the support they need to remain there in school and to be effective in the delivery of their teaching.
This new 15-minute FVYD work promotes the inclusion of ALL their students in their classrooms. It also empowers (DEI) with those same kids’ renewed skills- to provide that new avenue they seek for Peer Equality.
Many of your students in our classrooms today demonstrate a huge amount of conditioned anxiety & stressed behaviors directed toward other students & their teachers
***With this simple new FVYD 15-minute protocol there in schools for 12 weeks (delivered by Ed-techs; even within off-hour cafeteria space)- a new class of often smart Students will evolve.
(Just ask us, it truly works!)
Many of these 40% are students with just 3rd-grade level reading grow. SEE our Nations Report Card where in 3rd grade they are less than proficient readers. Then, they’re up to age 10 and struggling still OR age 13 and now at risk in middle school or in High School and have lost HOPE!
Lets change this now!
Often with their 20/20 healthy eyes several students “reading skills” are not fully working.
We know this because, “WE ASKED THEM” (in middle and behavioral school) after we fixed it for them-they told us!
These kids told FVYD what they were seeing (above).
Sometimes, these same 6-8 kids of the 30 (in class) show signs of their anxiety not only on their faces but also to their peers.
And…sometimes, those “not-so-good” behaviors are those they have conditioned- to avoid the class’s stressful situations. They become active with useful avoidance protections- for years of daily classroom struggles & as they grow many kids develop fine triggers to that anger. Ask their Parents & teachers!
But now we have the opportunity to change all of that with their reading—They are often smart so those not so good behaviors soon disappear…when they are learning.
****With our FVYD essential program now in your schools, we can RECOVER OUR KIDS READING SKILLS & protect all including our teachers.
The rest of the story- is after our simple work their now well health behavior will soon follow. It is very refreshing for all.
Call Your Superintendent
Let’s look at Katies Full Case ‘Show and Tell’ presented in pictures on Katies Case.
As a Behavioral & Life skills Counselor: A few of her behavioral issues soon corrected are provided (below) here also. Katie struggled from 2nd grade on through to January of her 5th grade. Fortunately, she was excellent in Math and great in Art also—so she could share that Montessori experience with her peers. But… life was hard in 3rd grade reading group when she was in 5th grade.
In fact, her focus become to be creatively manipulative with her not always good behavior instead. And she was a master at it! Soon, by later 5th grade all of this changed & grades and behavior improved.. She waited so long for that reading and peer equality that her elementary schools hears had been anxious & unpleasant for her—WHY?…No one knew about Reading Skills Recovery—now you do!
***Katie and other kids experiences in school are presented here in pictures for many teachers & parents. Many of these parents also have NOT read either for all their lifetime.
Once her reading skills were empowered KATIE blossomed after 5th grade- behavior changed also.
By 7th grade in mainstream normal classes (& see her Report Card) she made Honor Roll in mainstream normal classrooms & notice now her best behavior shows also.
Look at the Reading scores KTEA for 7th grade. Her KTEA reading is – 7.2 for Reading Composite, with Reading Comprehension at 8.3, and do not miss her Math score at 12.9. I told you SHE WAS SMART!
Look at her 7th grade Report Card-see behavior 4 great; 3 good ALSO & Honor Roll etc.
Also do not miss her social skills improvements in TV production, Science, and Math achievement (& not shown here) also Yearbook.
(A few more testimonials have been provided for you on all pages….there is so much more to share NOW!! Do not miss Gabriel Corporan or Chris LeFleur either.
Community members, Teachers & Parents SPONSORS- CALL YOUR SUPERINTENDENTS
Let’s work together to get this simple FVYD 15-minute program into all our (Maine) American schools & FVYD will share it gladly!