How many kids have been lost in that last 20 years?

If they only knew.
How many more kids will we all have to lose next year 2024?
Now, they all know about this FVYD program.

NO MORE is our answer! It is now up to you!
The FVYD program will do it all! You’ll have to get it into (Maine) Schools, first and now!


For Future Visions Youth Development, Inc. FVYD Sponsors & Donors you’re the best!
Together, you with FVYD offer our (1) FVYD ESSENTIAL PROGRAM. Designed for every school as the simplest short-inclusion direct student service with the biggest bang for your well-earned bucks. This work makes a huge difference. It empowers book learning while it saves lives, education futures, supports are teachers, calms the classrooms, and relieves stress from Parents. While it can also in the soon future empower a workforce to new learning heights—and so much more. It can change school ratings, lower (overtime) property taxes and on and on.

Can you help us now! We may not have money but we have everything else!

What we do—
This FVYD service is provided to students: A one-time, 12 weeks/15 minutes a day in School only program. That path is delivered directly to students. It requires 6 hours of training for (3) Ed-techs at the school. FVYD is with that school for a total of 16 weeks (but not seen). We provide these essential reading skill recovery services directly to each level of education- Elementary, Middle, and High School when local schools “OPEN THEIR DOORS” and we have been pulling on that handle for decades.

In this ONE School you will see magic happening! To Sponsor one school is $96,000- & let’s see how that works today! Or, donate a $ 1.00. ….Please we need both and all we can receive we, so FVYD can grow faster. Our kids at risk are waiting…teachers need us too. And Parents will finally be able to breathe again.

It all means great things are happening with your money!

1.For this simple work, your money, in that 12 weeks pays for a lot, (3) FVYD Ed-tech for 3 months. Once FVYD trained & employed, we like to keep them longer and give them great benefits for their flexibility in local schools.

2.We, FVYD working with local businesses, buy all the supplies and tools needed for our completed work- at that one school—so we have quality products & good inventory and control of demand & can push the growth & reach of this work quickly.

3. (With a School Contract)-We train (3) Ed-techs at the Schools- to work with (12 students each); in 3-4 hours of the morning (liken to a bathroom break-of time) each of 4 day. (The last schools did not know this FVYD program was even there—Special Services took our praise! We are ok with that…they have worked hard for years & often are warm and supportive. They may wish to share our success…its fine so long as we are moving forward.

4. We, FVYD do collaborate well with other local Professional Groups: Local Optometrist, Opticians, Book Authors (with good values), Librarians etc.. Business Office suppliers etc. with their interest and seeking forward-growing relationship. Our Experience has not been good with other professions this decade past—Some groups have demonstrated malice & contempt to our work in the past. Yet they never saw it. We know FVYD do not take their clients & they have nothing to offer for our select groups in the schools. Maybe it is just our success rate!

In the schools:
***We, FVYD also offer to bring our own Ed-techs—& for state approval-(fingerprinted & FVYD certified)-
BUT we take them with us when FVYD leaves the area with our program in 12 weeks. And then, the school has no FVYD trained staff to provide the continuum of FVYD Services with another class or grade.

Once in a School, then Region, then State: ALL THE FVYD (anonymous) DATA—(copies) come from our copyrighted work- (with originals & student progress reports retained at the schools).

***Then one school becomes a 5 schools & a FVYD Regional District with now, this same pattern for the State; then for all States–with Regional help where our (3) ED tech will work—adding flexibility for illness of Ed-tech trainers. (Some costs covered by Schools)
Then FVYD will move across our American Public Educational System with this same GIFT offer! Call FVYD! 207-236-4736. Join our Team and/or Sponsor a school. Our current focus is to bring the FVYD program into (now) Maine Local Schools.

We seek to be in your Maine schools by January 2024. It is possible! Our Students-At-Risk can not wait a day longer.
FVYD is currently focused on the Maine Local School area of Rockland, Thomaston, Waldoboro & Augusta local schools—Call your Superintendents and request our FVVD Reading Recovery Program in your schools.

History of Future Visions Youth Development, Inc is available upon request! We have been here in Maine for 2 decades and the question might be…” Why is FVYD still knocking at the door. EXACTLY is our FVYD!

When Federal Law ESSA;2015 supports this Non-profit 501c Innovative Initiative. No one currently in the Maine Department of Education has looked at this remarkable work. Maybe now they will hear your voice!

How many kids have been lost in the last 20 years? …if only, it is not for lack of trying, is all I can say!

I suggest the people (of Maine) look at these Testimonials presented here. Each page has some different information. And now, let’s together ask the State of Maine DOE & MEPRI -to look at the 124 pieces of Maine 8th graders (TeachT) Checklists with the FVYD Pres. D. Parker to explain it. —Approved by University of Southern Maine).

So many other State Educational groups since 2010 have approved this work- including MSMA, MSSA, MSSB etc..)—what they have not done is OPEN THE SCHOOLS DOORS for the simple program.

****This incredible work and DATA is anonymous data—Obtained with hope, from 8 Maine Teachers & 8 Maine Schools Pre and Mid-COVID SY19-21. You might enjoy this work also for all the new information it brings forth about our struggling youth and At-Risk Kids! …include reading relationship to behaviors & mental and physical well health etc.

Now the most important question is….

How many more kids do we lose next year 2024? Now, they all know about this FVYD program.
