Why Choose Mental Illness Instead of Reading for our Youth!
(1) Let’s let our kids avoid mental illness in Elementary school;
(2) It only gets worse in Middle School: but… FVYD can help!
(3) Alternatively, death or dying in High School- Parents & FVYD choose life!
Part 1 Let’s let our kids avoid mental illness. It is so simple to make our kids truly happy –to be just peer equals & students in school! All we need to do is, “Save 6 of them” in each class of 30- from developing their anguish more fully. This happens when these few kids each begin to feel “less-than” the other classroom kids there at school between 3rd -5th grade. To Save Them– let’s first consider their current alternative behaviors & choices. Then, all parents & teachers will understand how today only we, FVYD (with a simple program & new information to share)- can keep our kids, free from STRESS & promote them happily forward to enjoy their being at school! Let me explain! _____________________________________________________________
On their life path: Kid that cannot read well in school at or after 3rd grade have a lot of stress & they often bring their cranky-self home also, for their parents to share their daily struggles! All kids ‘have to’ have something to do, pretty much all the time. Teachers are often great keeping them continually engaged & until 16 years old, when alternatively, they can work. Simple chores (remember)–do not need to be paid for. They are great tools -when all participate, but few parents use that tool effectively today to their benefit. Soon…
1.Lets first see what those few kids who can’t read- (about 6 in 30) are doing at 3rd grade while in school. When they discover they cannot read like their peers– who they truly want to emulate & be friends with their self -esteem takes a dive. Sure, they can just, ‘watch those popular kids have fun with others’ but that would make these struggling youth- seem creepy to others. So, most of these 6 don’t do that. (They do, have to do something or they know they will be bullied instead)! Instead, they begin to feel bored at school and/or they become bullies themselves -early on. Alternatively, they might start Acting- out and/or initiate some subtle aggression. (Who wants this to begin this early in our—8-9 years old kids)?
Special Service tries to help; when FVYD will instead fix the problem!
- 2. By 4th or 5th several of these kids (again about (6 +) in each class of 30) have moved now to sit in or near the back 2 row They can hide better back there. Some of those kids can see the board from back there (most do have 20/20 vision) but many still can’t read anything from it- as the teacher and chalk move across that front board. By now 5th grade it doesn’t matter that their vision when looking at blackboard/chalkboard to desk may be slow to respond to that distance. Who knows, that it might take them 2-3 seconds to (accommodate) to focus there on the board, then ‘focus to assimilate’ (absorb) the information & then again focus back on the book or the text on the paper on their desk. It then may also- take them a few more seconds, when they look up back to the board!—They already know they are left behind. They think it is normal—and, they are just dumb. (That mechanical movement for most of us takes only milliseconds). But I do think these same struggling kids might just be OK with rifles & target shooting. And…once we fix this mechanics & recover their reading skills we find out how truly SMART they are. It is the intensity of their struggle that pushes them, hard.
- 3. And then there is the kid who tries (so… hard) to do that work at their desk—but when reading silently from a book or page the text makes NO sense. (Those 6+ or more, have such difficulty (with digit span issues or word or line skipping)—so they blink a few time and/or just continue to skip lines. When they do not have a flow– they also can not’ know’ what they are reading. It is called fluency with the comprehension for what they have read.
Then, they go to Middles school as 3rd grade readers still.
Until “Schools open doors to this ESSA;2015 supportive work”& invite our remarkable work in to share !”—Then only can we, Future Visions Youth Dev. Inc FVYD non-profit 501 c3 Org. deliver a 12 week/15 minute short-inclusion program. In a 15 min. screen we select our youth with a checklist & evaluate their reading skills. Then initiate a simple 12 week/15 minute per day program –that will recover all of these issues for our struggling kids, teachers and parents too.
Lets Save our Kids! Or Mental illness might get their door open instead of FVYD!