What brings teens to SUICIDE at this time of year! …and how we stop it now!

I spent time on a suicide unit & also on a youth crisis unit. Their parents were lucky these kids survived & many tried again. I was very successful there. Those who worked with me, did not come back. They moved on to make a difference in their lives…because the one thing I could give them, was not the fix yet, but; I told them the truth. ” It was not their fault.”
As the school year ends, in schools some kids get depressed while others panic. They THINK they are left behind and/or do not yet know what the future joys are yet in their lifetime futures. TEENS critical thinking is about yesterday and how they fit in with peers and next week and how they fit in with peers–that is it. So today it is critical we provide a well-tested program into their direct view in all our local schools. This simple program is a healer, it builds peer equality as it resolves their problems right in front of them. With all your calls now to the “local Superintendents” to zip code 04330, 04572, 04841 & 04861 — we will SAVE A LOT OF KIDS. But you will not know that because they will live & WELL HEALTH WILL MOVE THEM FORWARD TO NOW THRIVE IN SCHOOL.

But here we are with the summer before us and these kids are “At Risk” now! .Lets give them HOPE instead–Let’s tell them we can bring a much different and exciting future to all & they will soon not only “FIT IN”-they will “THRIVE—because generally most are SMART and “truly, it was not their fault or their teachers fault.” The only fault finding -is for this ignorance to continue now. It is from your continued INACTION when all it takes is a phone call. Ask our local schools to put this FVYD program in their school as an essential program for every struggling youth. — With its ” New Approach to Reading– we deliver their Reading Skills Recovery.” I suggest you READ the testimonials, as our FVYD approach works remarkably well. And, if you cannot read (-as 40% of parents cannot still read either), ASIDE: –(They are some of our still-living struggling kid who have grown up).
Then look at the pictures. www.myfuturevisioninc.com. Inaction cost us lives & limits the careers for these young adults forever.

From this simple FVYD work done in schools by Ed-techs (and paid by school contracts)-we reduce schools’ costs. Is that what is stopping you? Fear of our success! — From this point forward, your FEAR should be these kids “free time in summer.” While what we will provide is a short fix -a 15-minute fix. That simple fix then becomes a template to replicate— for a region and as it grows (liken to a racehorse) throughout the State & across our Nation. WE, together, are going to SAVE A LOT OF KIDS & also provide a growing empowered Workforce!

This short work in schools that supports also our teachers is dynamic! —
Its success breeds excitement across our nation for not only restoring HOPE but as a PROMISE of a much better Educational- future for all. As we keep our kids well, alive, thriving & as we SAVE OR KIDS now &—until we have them supported by this simple work—know you are a part of something hugely positive. With a new toolbox that offers a new pathway to WELL HEALTH for all & empowers a new and different future for all our kids.
Let’s do this together. – Sure we, Future Visions Youth Dev. Inc need donations—that cannot stop us! Today I am asking you to punch a few keys on your phone-directly to the Schools and Central District OFFICES–to save these HOPELESS kids NOW from depression…drugs…alcohol and suicide…. BECAUSE WE CAN when you all ACT NOW. Tell those Administrators of your interest in getting this work in all our schools. You want it done, today! Look at www.myfuturevisioninc.com we at Future Visions Youth Dev. Inc. FVYD will do the rest! Thank you!
…And meanwhile this summer, now, should you have one of the thousands of “Kids at Risk” today— let them know you are working on what will surely help them soon in schools. Tell them, “IT WAS NOT THEIR FAULT” & now you know why school is so difficult for them. “So please come to me and we can talk…Hold On! Help is on the way!”

God bless us all & hope FVYD can move fast enough for your child!