It is on you now!

I told the kids on the crisis units–“its not their fault nor their Teachers fault,” that they can not read. I told them on the suicide unit—let’s not look back and I told them I had their answers. You see 40 % of kids today in schools–& (many still not back to school after COVID. -that is a lie & an excuse). Most of those kids still absent  are simply do back yet because they simply DO NOT read with proficiency–& they have had enough of trying. Why come back when it is a place of harm for them with anxiousness, peer inequality and gossip.  Many smart kids in our g.a.n.g. cannot get A, B and many even C’s . And… they worked hard at it after 3rd grade until about 6th grade –when they hit Cognitive Load (Dejong). Then is the time when their Hope is gone–the rest is a short story–many get into drug & alcohol to ease their pain but it does not go away!…So they do!

***I have that solution and I need those Standardized tests educators do not want any more. WE DO need them just to show you how bad it is in school for these often –VERY SMART KIDS. I fix this problem with a Simple Program that State Education Management will not even look at –its evidentiary PhD Research DATA collected in their own schools—Why won’t they look at this remarkable data? …because it works!

FVYD, we still can find these kids with a simple Checklist & also with teachers help–but you need to see them. (This Standardized data that has not changed- but to greatly increase in the student numbers with this deficiency. 

We started this simple program to recover reading skills when the number of youth who needed this program was about 18%. Now, and until you let me fix this problem with an essential program in every Public School in America, that number is growing past 40%. Pick your head out of the SAND. Meanwhile…

So these SMART KIDS JUST HAVE TO SUFFER—it is on all of you. I have been shouting for 33 years, I ran this program in Public Schools then they wanted more. It was then we were locked out of Palm Beach County Schools and have been unfunded and locked out for these past 2.5 decades. I came in the Backed Door with PhD Research and got evidentiary data for all of you!

It is on you now!

Read the testimonials if nothing else—From Principals, Teachers, Parents and the Kids themselves!

Then call me. I am ready when you are!


Deborah Parker, Future Visions Youth Development, Inc. FVYD, President