Early Ed or Let Kids Play!

Is Early Ed Reading the only Solution for Three (3) years old!

by D. Parker Pres. FVYD & Masters in Human Relations MPS

In my opinion, our young need “social schools” to play, be creative & aware of others, first. Now, these young are often rude & hostile to one another. (And from their texting in middle school, we see our kids are losing empathy)! They say anything they wanted to others–without considering how the other person might FEEL about those words! …With social skills we can get that “caring” back with the young! (Assimilation: Piaget) 

 In Early Ed, for the Kids who do not read early, these kids may not read better until after age 7+. This is because they may still be reversing some letters. Why push reading –will that make them smarter or just angrier!  These kids, may just need time for more physiological mechanical development i.e., using mazes and coloring in lines & visual stability that comes with growth. So, wait until 7+ for pushing these young kids to read & keep the print bigger—just read to them. With paragraphs: start with just a few lines together of large print & use your finger to trace the line with them in front of you. Let their eyes follow your finger.

Next is when FVYD program steps in & fixes it, 3rd grade-adult.

Until then…Social Skills are never too early for the young!

But first as a Parent it is up to you! For early behavior let’s start with — Firmness! So…when parents say something they have to mean it. HOLD YOUR KIDS TO TASK!  (If only for our teacher’s sanity!) For our young kids to be ok, they must understand,” NO and Stop” for safety! This is easily done by using, “Distraction and Redirection techniques.” For example, when they are running toward the street use this- “Stop! OH LOOK HERE, SEE THIS!.   Teach them early on to share, thank & complement others.  Instead, now, we just let them go– not good. (You were not born knowing how to develop yourself).  Parents have dropped the ball; it only gets worse as their kids grow. Then TEACHERS get ALL the blame!  And…parents get rude! 

**This is not for all Kids—some are perfect from birth! But the others are just as smart- but stuck- until we free them for the rest of their lives!  

Meanwhile, for all the rest…share the family dinner table for 3 minutes of “How To” have a decent conversation & talk about their “GOOD DAY”! These 3 minutes of table talk about what was “good” today! Where everyone gets that chance to speak. For many of those Kids with problems behaviors, this family time –helps them a lot with Patience & HOPE! 

Future Visions Youth Development, Inc techniques CAN FIX THE READING FOR ALL & quicky so we get this essential program in the schools now, where we will train staff to do it in 6 hours! 

So, check it out here!  SEE    www.myfuturevisioninc.comCheck out the Testimonials on every page. Education needs this new Student Recovery Program to save Parents also.