Lets SAVE OUR KIDS from –Pre K Learning STRESS

If we cannot Save Ourselves—Let’s try harder to SAVE OUR KIDS!

The mechanics in eyes are not ready to read for many of this 40% in the population of kids who do not read now past one word at a time for their life. 

 Reading skills do not generally work right for all until about 7-8 years old. (Maybe about 30% of kids will be able to read early!). So why push…this pushing does not make these SMART KIDS ANY SMARTER!

 So in fact this is about the Educators– who cannot teach reading skills for 7 decades now (maybe just maybe reading skills are not teachable—they are working skills that need nurturing-not forceful anxiety producing struggles for our youth. So now Education hires for Pre-K Public Education Pre-k trainers to push our kids to read.

Just trying now to get this done—with those kids who do not have working mechanics for reading— and there will be a whole lot of crying and yelling & trauma from pushing this on these kids in front of their peers.  These younger children INSTEAD until 7-8 – need guided play and to be creative as they develop their SOCIAL skills first. Those skills have been generally lacking –i.e., missing in our current population (largely from texting on phones). Instead, I want you to KNOW what trauma you are doing- with pushing reading when those skills are not ready to work effectively and with agility and purpose.  Now with pushing Pre-K children -you are placing GREAT HARM on them. You are just pushing— to heap on the anxiety on our young Pre-k kids and we certainly will be paying for this in the future when they are totally out of control and/or need meds for chronic illness. Instead let’s just give them- with a little needed firmness and directional play- time to become stable at school! Let’s read to them & use the chalkboards and watch who struggles!  … Then 2nd grade we can start to work with single pages of print with pictures for association and on to making words large print on chalkboards or with large letters, then on to word group & phonics for word recognition and …. then they may read. 

Or not….do not panic—we have that solution also www.myfuturevisioninc.com Read the testimonials–our program starts at 3rd grade and is very SUCCESSFUL The kids THRIVE with new learning and quicky with this essential program in all Public Schools they will just enjoy their peers, teachers and classrooms. Parents will be calm and happy also.  

You think depression and anxiety is rampant now–just you wait! Let ruin the next generation also with added stress and inequality…. We are well on our way to doing this already!

 Let’s SAVE OUR KIDS!   Call the State DOE and request our New Approach to Reading Program from Future Visions Youth Development, Inc a 501 c3 Non-profit ESSA successful program.