Teachers & A Safe Place to Learn for ALL!

BLOG From FVYD DP Nov. 2024

Teachers Say the Public Views Them Negatively!  (See my response by D. Parker Pres. FVYD to Ed week 10/18/24; edited)

Yes! That statement is true! –The Public has the WRONG opinion of their teachers! Instead, due to our failures we make TEACHERS our focus for blame. (Parent’s inability to control or keep their kids’ safe puts blame on teacher -as that person responsible for the failing of our youth). When Teachers try to hold their children and youth accountable then, Parent’s attack them for it, and also, for their own failing at home. When PARENTS HAVE LOST CONTROL of their own kids, THE FINGERPOINTING HAS BECOME NOTHING BUT CYCLIC NEGATIVITY FOR THE PAST 2 DECADES. (Our young children have now had decades of Dr. Spock. No discipline or control at home)—This is just wrong. Kids need parents to have a “guiding firmness.” Instead, we have our 1-6 yr. old kids controlling parents & selectively eating-where is the nutrition in that, now in school, too. All the burdens now are on the Teachers. 

In FACT: Neither are to be blamed nor the child either! 

There is so much more on the causes for the blame and all of it is misplaced. That is right –the blame should be on Education Management & US DOE ignorance. Looking for the RIGHT answer  for blame go there! If you want the Solution, go here, www.myfuturevisioninc.com see testimonials.

So to answer this comment correctly- It is that the US Dept of Education who will not consider the solution Pres. Obama suggested. This Non-profit 501c3 has that ESSA solution to share for the past 2 decades- that will change Education from now & forward.  But the door is locked by pride and prejudice. Let’s share this simple work with a DEI perspective instead!

And make Education what it should be in the future—a SAFE PLACE TO LEARN FOR ALL!