How to Change the Future!

I agree we need to do that– and for 40% of the population in the US today. So, I am here to change your future.
Lets make all peer equals and share great experiences in school. Let make it a safe place and lets thrill the teachers who want to teach you. If you can not read– you will not get this message that is why I want to “bring it” to you. Open the school doors tell US Dept of Education–right here & right NOW-this is all they need to survive also —because this simple work MAKES CHANGE HAPPEN! We have the simple program that brings the good stuff to every classroom to make Peers EQUAL-this will change your parent/ youth relationship also–stop blaming teachers and LET US DO WHAT NEED BE DONE –TO HELP ALL. We need our simple” essential” program in our schools. It takes 15 minutes to deliver-let us get this done so next year and the year after gets better and better. Here it is READ THE PICTURES–then contact the US DOE and ASK they open your schools doors –and we will do all of this for YOU!
Otherwise all of this will not happen ever…believe me, I am the ONLY Captain of THIS Ship!