Time Again for School Tax Increases

We can now dramatically reduce Education costs for direct Student Service with this “essential program”. This one “essential program’ that we have has proven itself to have successful results like no other in Education today! www.myfuturevisioninc.com, READ Testimonials.

”It will, “Recovery Students Reading Skills”– & reduce Education costs (& save our kids and teachers also).
In Education budgets each year, are we just paying for Education Management (growth?) each year? And…are our Teacher’s getting these same % raises each year also? And…

Are there a greater # more of children doing better in school? 

Today, with NAEP scores now ~45% READ WITH FLUENCY AND COMPREHENSION & at their grade level. How many of you are “ok” with that! When there are a large percentage remaining for years “at or below BASIC” reading level & they will remain there for life!
Have you asked what “BASIC READING” means (when 40% remain at 3rd grade “basic) for levels of reading and now your child is in 8th grade! Oh, he may be promoted to have a “vocabulary” of a 6th grader- to GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL but there is no reading proficiency or comprehension. 

And… you are all fine with that, still? —

Why? When we truly do have one solution! – A Single Unique Solution –that truly RECOVERS READING SKILLS!!!                                       

(Ours is not a literacy program).  It is a real “essential program” that works – & includes a PhD study with 9 pages of Reference Studies support. And it is right here-not in schools.       Education Mangers & the US DOE have not looked at it! Ask them why? That answer is likely because it works very well!

Indeed, we will just keep paying increasing School Budgets.

How much from States Education budgets (i.e. Taxes) can we reduce with this simple “essential program” when we have improved Reading efficiencies for all with a National program? With a simple (5-10) school Template built in one year and in all schools by two years the impact in schools will be dramatic. And what if…. We “Recovery the Adult Basic Readers” also with a free class in Career Centers soon for reading Adults.

www.myfuturevisioninc.com SAVE OUR KIDS! 

PARENTS: YOU & OUR KIDS DESERVE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO READ AS PEER EQUALS WITH THIS NEW PROGRAM. It takes 15 min./12 wks. & all will soon read at their grade level & with peer equality. Call your Superintendents. Ask them to look at this “ESSENTIAL program right here, right now! 207-236-4736.

Thanks Deborah Parker Pres. FVYD