School Counselors Need Our Help Too!

The topic was called, “School Counselors help students see a new future!”  by Deborah Parker

(I seriously doubt this…) because I know more about these classrooms of kids, today  and I am sharing what I know!

So to the Counselors!

Yea, how’s that in school with Student- meeting going for you –with the 40% that can not READ today? What do you discuss with these adolescents for their future that allows for some choice of career? -Have you addressed the reading problems (that elephant in the room) head on. Or… is this the same ole …same ole talk just a different day. 

I, We, FVYD have the tools and program to SOLVE THE PROBLEM! Time our Counselor’s know -(of which I am one—with Life Skills). It is time they knew– that a Solution exists –so they can effectively help these KIDS quickly. Because these simple problems begin in 3rd grade and these once great kids—they grow to become monsters…by their next school, Middle School 6-8th grades. Parents can attest to this.

Read this and join our team to get this 15- minute program in all our Public Schools. Talk to Superintendents and tell them we have their needs met—with this simple work. Let us help you!

Read the Testimonials then look at their pictures here.