Reading Skill Recovery is now possible in Thomaston, ME.
Future Visions Youth Development, Inc., your trusted partner with a youth empowerment program is here for your schools in Thomaston, ME. For those 40% of students, special education does not have this remarkable work or our incredible research data yet to support your Students’ success in reading with proficiency. We, FVYD, have it for 4th, 8th or 9th grades. We believe in the resilience & potential of youth to overcome these barriers to their learning while empowering their Peer equality within the classrooms in their schools.
Contact your Superintendent!
Let FVYD, together in collaboration with our wonderful teachers in Thomaston schools, bring success through Reading skills Recovery to all these Kids at Risk and struggling youth.
FVYD work is unique, special, and one of a kind & we want to share. We need to keep our kids safe every day and everywhere & with your use of our essential program, you can SAVE them, but only when we work together.
We, FVYD cannot do this alone either, because in 2 decades of trying- we cannot get an audience with the State DOE or your Superintendents -with interest in our work. So now we ask Thomaston Parents & your Teachers to SAVE YOUR KIDS! We have to collaborate– & when we come together-FVYD will do all the work. We bring gifts to your Students we recover their Reading Skills to support also the teachers & schools. The benefits of this partnership are many. Help us! Help you, Call your Superintendents and ask them “Open School Doors for this FVYD work.” ***Please consider our offer to Recover all those 40% of our youth!
All Kids should enjoy Kids equality
……………After these weeks of 15 minutes a day…..Then FVYD leaves to transitions these kids back down to smaller print sizes — to soon pre mainstream classrooms.
We, FVYD leave the schools.
The schools can retain the FVYD program & move on to another grade …and another etc. While FVYD moves on to the next school and the next… across
Reading keeps them busy and you know where they are!…and it is never too late to start them Reading. Then walk them into the Library!… Start with larger print books first in the teen section—none there yet? We get that started for them there as well. And…we will make sure those are full of good choices. It is well worth making this introduction to a new wealth of knowledge. (Volunteers)
FVYD Eye Training for Reading and so much more: Activating the Visual-efficiency for Promoting Academic Success
Thomaston, a bustling Community, cares well for its youth. We at FVYD recognize that effective reading is about training healthy eyes to move effortlessly across the page, absorbing information with precision and speed. Effectively, with new stability in their visual system and with our program’s success, they are now able to move forward with their teachers in decoding words, vocabulary, phonics, and grammar.
SEE the progress we make quickly—16-year-old with chart & comments
Let’s Save our Kids, Support our Teachers, and Relieve Parents’ from Guilt, Self -doubt and Fears and watch them grow instead– with one short inclusion program. And… together we bring health and wellness into all our schools!
***Please consider our offer to recover all those 40% of our youth -who have waited far too long for FVYD’s reading in-school short-inclusion Reading Skill Recovery Work That would be something truly special to say about Thomaston!
The Fourth of July, Independence Day Party is the best—All the Community comes together…to make this day so fun for all! So let’s do the same with our schools. .Free your students to gather new knowledge. This Community loves their kids and works hard to make their warm, rich (with love) Community an even more special place. Please let FVYD help you change your 40% of KIDS LIVES!
Lets together Save All Our Kids! We need to talk with your Superintendents who think Special Educators can do this work when they cannot. They have tried hard for years.
Because we can…Let’s Save our Kids, Support our Teachers & Relieve Parent’s guilt, doubts &; Fears– with one short inclusion program. And.. together bring IT! Health, wellness & in 15 minutes for 12 weeks new light into all our schools!
Let’s Save our Kids, Support our Teachers & Relieve Parent’s guilt, doubts &; Fears– with one short inclusion program. And.. together bring IT! Health, wellness & in 15 minutes for 12 weeks new light into all our schools!
And then we step forward with what Thomaston, Maine stand For—New Freedom!
The Fourth of July, Independence Day Party is the best in this wonderful town—to makes this day so fun for all! There is a lot of freedom in books.