I Still Have 1 VOTE

I still have one vote—- 

I strongly Disagree that anyone can replace Pres. Joe Biden—I am on Biden’s side until he wins because he will. ..It is not about money–it is not about your values either, since all of you have been less than remarkable men & to have bailed on him. Where is the support from real Democrats. Are they any left? I have what he needs now —-have him connect.

You criticize his speech, when he spoke the truth, you criticize his age–when his wisdom exceeds 2 of you. His foreign policy—is incredible and holds our world together if only by that thread and you expect Donald to do what?

Pres. Biden is a truly HONORABLE man who has done wonderful miraculous things for this country and for the people. (Or is it you who do not want to part with that 15 % maybe it should have been 25–you can not even spend it all). Everyone of you who want to give Donald Trump credit for the first years of his term, Quickly FORGOT how unhealthy America was when Pres. Obama took office with Joe Biden his VP for 8 years. With all those years that together did all that good work, too few want to remember. –What truly does happen during that first few years of each Presidents term– includes carry over.

What Donald did for our nation–was create incredible debt and is still doing it with his ineffective #15? of his personal security staff now watching his golf game the last four year. ….What went to Trumps benefit, came from “the saving of American” Barack Obama & Joe Biden had accomplished & that second term with no support from Congress. He VP J. Biden with Pres. Obama was able to SAVE America then also ….Donald is not fit to eat the crumbs …. and then he would say he baked the Wonderful bread! Who are the fools!

Shame on all of you……how quickly you forget and turn your back. NOBODY in the Democratic Party OTHER THAN BIDEN can do this job right & NOW. Oh Yes, he will WIN because America has seen him and we know!—Help him finish his great work in the last 4 years to America’s benefit & to greatly stabilize America—Help he instead of being gossip mongers…..Shame. on all! The Democratic party is becoming just like the others. And the media–are becoming turncoats just in time to make the 6:00 news. Sorry to be so frank- but this is my opinion. and I am with this truly great man—Joe Biden. He gets my one vote. Get off the couch America —so he can win to SAVE YOU!

Deborah Parker  Founder & Pres.1996 Future Visions Youth Dev. Inc FVYD a 501c3 nonprofit with REAL solutions for American Public Education www.myfuturevisionsinc. com