Why Teachers Leave School!
Why teachers leave schools!
This is so unfair for TEACHING today–the classrooms have 40% of students who cannot read. And teachers are supposed to do what with them? This is factual for 9/2024 and getting worse.
Our Teachers who are not paid enough are simply leaving work that they used to love, because of the children’s behavior and parents rudeness! -Our teachers on a daily basis have been made accountable for these troubled and highly disruptive students. WHY? Parents cannot handle them at home, either!
You wonder why teachers do not want to come back to classrooms. And, Administration, Counselors and our Police officers often respond with the same struggles dealing with these rotten kids– that TEACHERS have every day…
Parents cannot handle their kids, either! So they send them to school, pointing fingers at the Teachers. It is a bit hypocritical (wrong) don’t you think!
We can fix this! www.myfuturevisioninc.com (read testimonials)
We, FVYD have to Recover the Kids FIRST! Because….We can!
And… MOST IMPORTANTLY –a lot of the above–IS LARGELY BECAUSE the Child /KID/youth/student CAN NOT READ! I know you cannot connect the dots for all of this!
But lets together fix just one class at one school (& we FVYD has!) So you can see, how all life changes both in the classrooms and at home. Lets Save both Kids and our wonderful teachers, too!
Until the kids needs are corrected, NOW, it will only get worse if that is possible—-Or, we fix it first and change their lives.
And… watch the brilliance of this work as it quickly unfolds all around them. This simple work will keep them safe in school and deter them from drugs and alcohol when they are equal and busy learning is school. You have got to believe me until you can see it yourself.
Or by middle schools, as you well know—they are truly out of hand, no longer controllable (or safe) and definitely no longer nice, generally depressive in nature & heading for illness or worse. Instead….
Lets help the Teachers stay at the jobs they love!…and let our kids read!
Get our Future Visions Youth Development, Inc. FVYD program in all American Public Schools–The US Dept. of Education will not consider this–So now is the time to Call Pres. Biden to get this essential program now in every American Public School.
It is up to you!