It is time we mean what we say- Solutions Require Action!

We have the program that will bring Equality with READING & Peer Equality in the classroom. This is not Step #1. IT is STEPS # 1-5. Once these kids all fit in, there will be NO divide. Adults have created inequity and keep it going at home. WHY! Parent’s often have had similar problems of being bullied or bullying by middle school & experienced this very hard (now unnecessary) struggle at school also- since 3rd grade).

Since 1950’s Education Management has created that divide–calling our kids names like ADD and Dyslexia. Is that helpful when these Ed. Managers have no solutions & no cure other than to medicate or get Literacy programs? So… they keep trying to help these POOR kids read for decades. These poor kids are poor from our neglect to simply, “Recover their Reading Skills” (not at literacy program).–WE CAN do this “recovery” simply now! Then the kids become SMART once again.

We can simply & TODAY CHANGE THE FACE OF EDUCATION! &  TO DATE, NO ONE HAS LOOKED AT THIS PROGRAM SINCE IT WAS FIRST PRESENTED IN  FLA,1999 & MAINE IN 2000.(Ran formerly by Grant 1999-then waited 2000;2009,2012,2015,2019-21& 2025).

LOOK NOW…. www.myfuturevisioninc.com  Read Testimonials of Remarkable Success and/ or if you can not read LOOK AT THE PICTURES. We also have PhD Study DATA!
Shame on all of us! —(for my poor marketing skills) & you for your avoidance of this unique & wonderful program! NOW let’s promote a “essential program like no other “in every American Public School classroom & SAVE OUR KIDS. 

Written By D. Parker Pres. FVYD …still waiting, patiently. Future VisionsYouth Development, Inc. a 501c3 Non-profit Org. with ….

***Our Thanks to BIZIQ for picking up the baton!