It is on you now!

I told the kids on the crisis units–“its not their fault nor their Teachers fault,” that they can not read. I told them on the suicide unit—let’s not look back and I told them I had their answers. You see 40 % of kids today in schools–& (many still not back to school after COVID. -that is a lie & an excuse). Most of those kids still absent  are simply do back yet because they simply DO NOT read with proficiency–& they have had enough of trying. Why come back when it is a place of harm for them with anxiousness, peer inequality and gossip.  Many smart kids in our g.a.n.g. cannot get A, B and many even C’s . And… they worked hard at it after 3rd grade until about 6th grade –when they hit Cognitive Load (Dejong). Then is the time when their Hope is gone–the rest is a short story–many get into drug & alcohol to ease their pain but it does not go away!…So they do!

***I have that solution and I need those Standardized tests educators do not want any more. WE DO need them just to show you how bad it is in school for these often –VERY SMART KIDS. I fix this problem with a Simple Program that State Education Management will not even look at –its evidentiary PhD Research DATA collected in their own schools—Why won’t they look at this remarkable data? …because it works!

FVYD, we still can find these kids with a simple Checklist & also with teachers help–but you need to see them. (This Standardized data that has not changed- but to greatly increase in the student numbers with this deficiency. 

We started this simple program to recover reading skills when the number of youth who needed this program was about 18%. Now, and until you let me fix this problem with an essential program in every Public School in America, that number is growing past 40%. Pick your head out of the SAND. Meanwhile…

So these SMART KIDS JUST HAVE TO SUFFER—it is on all of you. I have been shouting for 33 years, I ran this program in Public Schools then they wanted more. It was then we were locked out of Palm Beach County Schools and have been unfunded and locked out for these past 2.5 decades. I came in the Backed Door with PhD Research and got evidentiary data for all of you!

It is on you now!

Read the testimonials if nothing else—From Principals, Teachers, Parents and the Kids themselves!

Then call me. I am ready when you are!


Deborah Parker, Future Visions Youth Development, Inc. FVYD, President

Sometimes you just have to speak up!

On Linked in there was a post by Bill Gates— so I wrote him the response below

I thanked him for sharing– that malaria is becoming controlled with his help. It is so much better to have the mosquitoes that carry it under control & along with new meds & monoclonal treatments — to SAVE KIDS

So… lets keep this momentum going on other fronts to SAVE the KIDS. How about changing the future of the Public School that looks real bleak for a disease called Low Reading Proficiency. When I started my work in 1996 it affected 12-17% today that number is 40%. Together with your funding and public recognition to open schools’ doors & My Future Visions Company with simple new tools for recovering reading skills, together, we can change the future of Public Education.  And…SAVE STUDENT LIVES also! We can do this very quickly in weeks.     Let’s talk –we need to have:  1. The means to get Schools to open their doors, first! 2. Then by suggesting paying for 3 Ed techs to have 6 hours of training.  I will train them for only 6 hours to do those 4 months of a 15- minute program in each school. This begins a prototype for all American Schools to grow this essential work & SAVE ALL OUR KIDS! Then, with a few more simple steps we give it to the US Education when all are looking…because we have offered it before to Us Education—no one at home in the INN! They did not look at the evidence DATA -but turned us back to the State-they would not look & turned us away. So we went in the back door!

How many kids have died that did not have to die—in 33 years also from drugs and suicide. 

Until we get the attention of our new President Harris with our Teacher VP Mr. Walz. I think you would all be on the same side— that ONE that will SAVE our Kids, support our Teachers and relieve the super STRESS of our Parents to try to keep them safe a daunting job without our Solution!  

Let Us Just Recover their Reading Skills that will — RECOVER THEIR KIDS!

No more mental illness in our youth, this will greatly reduce their drug and alcohol use & SAVE LIVES too. They become too busy READING…you will have to believe me or read their testimonials here:     Life and behaviors change overnight!

When a FISHING STORY affects real life !

Lets just go fishing!
The first steps in life and learning come from home. Those steps should include the learning of –how to play & join in groups & take turns with a friend (this from Piaget; Assimilation with Accommodation in Human Development) Then, life goes on!

Elementary school should be fun. In 1st grade life changes and we see & grow new skills. The teacher begins with a class of 18 kids & decides to take them on his/her new path! This path forward (grades;1st-3rd) will take them all to the bus& eventually all are going to the lake to fish.! All the kids appear ok at first walking but, then several of these small children stub their toe, twist their ankle and/or just fall down. They will get up! As they grow more, they learn to see the pathway using more awareness. Or so we think.! In late 2nd and third grades they continue to learn & play together! Not all but some can hop, jump & run well too! Others can not.. Some can make friends easily while some do not!

This happens when……the teacher gave them a little book about Fishing & a few cannot read it! It is then about 3rd grade & around 8-years-old, when they all are trying new challenges that some have difficulty doing—this task separates them away from their classmates in their abilities. No student wants that separation. (They want inclusion & with peer equality most of ALL. ( I know this because I asked them in youth crisis centers and on a youth suicide unit).

It could be just this- one boulder in their path- that stops them from getting that. On their path some think the rock is a pebble and they just continue. For others, several in fact (today 40%), they must stop, here!. They CAN NOT climb over, get over or go around that huge rock!

And we all know how hard they try…again and again at this age & for years! On this matter, they simply do not have the working skills to do it! >>>>> The challenge is not with what is being taught because they can “listen” for that. But too often for some students now it is that “here and now” –their pathway ends for fishing. Too soon it has become way too complicated. With the WORST PART OF ALL OF IT, is that their peers can see their struggle. (Source: Locke & Bandura, 2003; Negative self-efficacy and goal effects revisited) The problem is simple….

So, who knows how to move that boulderWas it created in these student’s mind? (No, it is not in their mind)! It stands right there before them. It is there in that moment when in life- within their Reading Group with the first paragraph of the first book they try to read that life changes. It is there over a short time as the print size drops, and they simply cannot read the line of print before them and /or understand it. It is then their life changes) So, they try again and again with the same results. But they see…their little friends can do this small task and they can not! The skill is only blocked. Reading requires the visual ability to move with agility, alignment and purpose. It does exist their in their body—so let’s open it up, align it to get it working right. It is that simple.

Otherwise, for many this blockage lasts forever. They never get on the bus with their friend(s)! They have lost their “Peer Equality!” Right here & forever! {Special Services will step in & try to assist these young students with a wide variety of interventions to get over that rock. The ROCK is still there & kids are left behind here}. What is being asked of our kids is already too difficult because each one has a lack of efficacy in their visual skills—NO ONE AT SCHOOL YET KNOWS HOW TO FIX THIS FOR THEM NOW. So what these kids think, feel and FEAR is life. (WE DO have that answer, FVYD only has it! …but Education needs it ! Time for Change, don’t you think!

Call Superintendents or our President to get it in all schools, today! More to come!

When We Only “Just Wanted to Go Fishing”

When we only just wanted to go fishing”

like all the other kids!…

Now in 5th grade-back at the lake 3 kids know they cannot compete with their peers. They are left behind.

The 15 kids remaining in the class are each trying to walk on their own pathway of learning, now!  For the 3, they still try hard to learn! While others read fine, they are “kind of” reading the book by using the pictures. They all want to learn & know more about the fish they might catch. They are still excited! 

These struggling few now know—this reading issue has become only their struggle. And the work they have to do is harder than for most of their peers & their only pathway that will enable them “to know something about fishing” is before them. That lake remains unchanged. They must get there! They are so confused but still resilient as they walk on in life! With hope for change at every turn, (So, maybe it gets better in Middle School, they think). “Just hold on! Do not get depressed—just keep trying and hope to get there!” (Special services will support you all the time—because you’re trying SOOO hard, but not much improves for you. You’re so tired! And… there is no rest). While with a simple program all of this struggle would be over for you!

On recovering the Reading skills all of this would have been over in 3 months with just 15 minutes per day of time & years ago with our simple FVYD essential program work. Unfortunately, that program for you is not in schools yet. Call your Superintendents and ask them to open the doors and bring it in for you, now! About “why me! You are not alone but many have had their skills recovered.

*****Read all our Testimonials on each page on this website & Call the President if you must!  No one else is listening. It is that important for your lifetime. We, at FVYD, know how to get you reading easily & with Peer Equality Just hold on!   We’ve been here since 1999, for 25 years & now waiting again! 

So, for now back to your wonderful teacher, it is not their fault or yours. Your teacher tries to teach her class. All want to know “How to Fish…and she wants to make it fun for!  She is still there for you & so are your parents. They simply do not know about our FVYD work. Who reads about NOT READING? It should be of interest for Education. It is THE solution they have been seeking for decades. They do have to look at it before deciding that they do not want it. 

Your teacher knows some of her students are still reading at 3rd grade level in her 5th grade—And this is never good. When 5th students know they “cannot read” like the others in their class- life loses some of its brightness & depression follows!  It is sad-but should be temporary when we can fix it today. There is a CURE here!

When teachers realize many of their kids in her/his classroom do not have the tools, they keep going to give them more!  The first tool was the book & now she knows several cannot use it! —So the 2nd tool she in 5th grade will” show and tell” them on is “how to start to fish by using your pole”.  Nothing stops Teachers!

This teacher & her kids still have HOPE! By 5th grade many still struggle to hold on to it. Depression can happen, bullying can happen, drinking & drug…. When nothing changes for them & life goes on, their struggle is real…. So until Middle School hope is real until it isn’t.        More to come…

I Still Have 1 VOTE

I still have one vote—- 

I strongly Disagree that anyone can replace Pres. Joe Biden—I am on Biden’s side until he wins because he will. ..It is not about money–it is not about your values either, since all of you have been less than remarkable men & to have bailed on him. Where is the support from real Democrats. Are they any left? I have what he needs now —-have him connect.

You criticize his speech, when he spoke the truth, you criticize his age–when his wisdom exceeds 2 of you. His foreign policy—is incredible and holds our world together if only by that thread and you expect Donald to do what?

Pres. Biden is a truly HONORABLE man who has done wonderful miraculous things for this country and for the people. (Or is it you who do not want to part with that 15 % maybe it should have been 25–you can not even spend it all). Everyone of you who want to give Donald Trump credit for the first years of his term, Quickly FORGOT how unhealthy America was when Pres. Obama took office with Joe Biden his VP for 8 years. With all those years that together did all that good work, too few want to remember. –What truly does happen during that first few years of each Presidents term– includes carry over.

What Donald did for our nation–was create incredible debt and is still doing it with his ineffective #15? of his personal security staff now watching his golf game the last four year. ….What went to Trumps benefit, came from “the saving of American” Barack Obama & Joe Biden had accomplished & that second term with no support from Congress. He VP J. Biden with Pres. Obama was able to SAVE America then also ….Donald is not fit to eat the crumbs …. and then he would say he baked the Wonderful bread! Who are the fools!

Shame on all of you……how quickly you forget and turn your back. NOBODY in the Democratic Party OTHER THAN BIDEN can do this job right & NOW. Oh Yes, he will WIN because America has seen him and we know!—Help him finish his great work in the last 4 years to America’s benefit & to greatly stabilize America—Help he instead of being gossip mongers…..Shame. on all! The Democratic party is becoming just like the others. And the media–are becoming turncoats just in time to make the 6:00 news. Sorry to be so frank- but this is my opinion. and I am with this truly great man—Joe Biden. He gets my one vote. Get off the couch America —so he can win to SAVE YOU!

Deborah Parker  Founder & Pres.1996 Future Visions Youth Dev. Inc FVYD a 501c3 nonprofit with REAL solutions for American Public Education www.myfuturevisionsinc. com