(There was plenty to be said about books & I want to share a little input from a post with you! Make sure to read on this website all our testimonials! ….because WE deliver hope! When A “Literacy” Teacher Asked for Input on Books ….we, FVYD Respond! Books are Great Tools for creativity &
Lets SAVE OUR KIDS from –Pre K Learning STRESS
If we cannot Save Ourselves—Let’s try harder to SAVE OUR KIDS! The mechanics in eyes are not ready to read for many of this 40% in the population of kids who do not read now past one word at a time for their life. Reading skills do not generally work right for all until about
READ MOREWhat your ACTIONS means !
RIGHT NOW LETS TALK ABOUT HOW IMPORTANT “ WORDS: DECENCY AND TRUTH” IS ! You know, just because people used texts to communicate for decades now does not mean you do not need to be aware of the words you use when speaking to another. Saying suggestive words like –don’t you think, shouldn’t we, what
I feel our TEACHERS–truly I feel you! I have been writing here for years but I guess I write to much about our “SUCCESS” in Education to help the Kids at Risk AND not enough of HOW TO REMOVE BLAME FROM OUR TEACHERS. Honestly, I do not know how teachers can teach in the classrooms
READ MORETeachers & A Safe Place to Learn for ALL!
BLOG From FVYD DP Nov. 2024 Teachers Say the Public Views Them Negatively! (See my response by D. Parker Pres. FVYD to Ed week 10/18/24; edited) Yes! That statement is true! –The Public has the WRONG opinion of their teachers! Instead, due to our failures we make TEACHERS our focus for blame. (Parent’s inability to