Again, I would like to see Teachers actually able to teach to kids who are comfortable in their classrooms, reading proficient at their grade level and also Peer equals. This is possible at or after starting 3rd grade– with new learning for Education Management. It is not our teacher’s job to help children cope. They can teach them sharing and kindness, manners and taking turns in Pre-K.
What is currently happening is 40% of students after 2nd grade is they (kids) are struggling with ALL of the above. And… Teachers often daily have to work through all their 7-15/ for a 30 class of kids- with their individual learning limitations & their daily emotional struggles as well and what changes? NOTHING! Teachers get the blame for these kids failing and failing and by the way these kids are coping. Its called “conditioned adaptive & avoidant behavior.” It is not always good! WHY? When we have that Answer to STOP ALL THIS! Truly! Testimonials-Here is one from Olga Perez and ED-tech. she loved it!
We can now dramatically reduce Education costs for direct Student Service with this “essential program”. This one“essential program’ that we have has proven itself to have successful results like no other in Education today!, READ Testimonials.
”It will, “Recovery Students Reading Skills”– & reduce Education costs (& save our kids and teachers also). In Education budgets each year, are we just paying for Education Management (growth?) each year? And…are our Teacher’s getting these same % raises each year also? And…
Are there a greater # more of children doing better in school?
Today, with NAEP scores now ~45% READ WITH FLUENCY AND COMPREHENSION & at their grade level. How many of you are “ok” with that! When there are a large percentage remaining for years “at or below BASIC” reading level & they will remain there for life! Have you asked what “BASIC READING” means (when 40% remain at 3rd grade “basic”) for levels of reading and now your child is in 8th grade! Oh, he may be promoted to have a “vocabulary” of a 6th grader- to GRADUATE HIGH SCHOOL but there is no reading proficiency or comprehension.
And… you are all fine with that, still? —
Why? When we truly do have one solution! – A Single Unique Solution –that truly RECOVERS READING SKILLS!!!
(Ours is not a literacy program). It is a real “essential program” that works – & includes a PhD study with 9 pages of Reference Studies support. And it is right here-not in schools. Education Mangers & the US DOE have not looked at it! Ask them why? That answer is likely because it works very well!
Indeed, we will just keep paying increasing School Budgets.
How much from States Education budgets (i.e. Taxes) can we reduce with this simple “essential program” when we have improved Reading efficiencies for all with a National program? With a simple (5-10) school Template built in one year and in all schools by two years the impact in schools will be dramatic. And what if…. We “Recovery the Adult Basic Readers” also with a free class in Career Centers soon for reading Adults.
PARENTS: YOU & OUR KIDS DESERVE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO READ AS PEER EQUALS WITH THIS NEW PROGRAM. It takes 15 min./12 wks. & all will soon read at their grade level & with peer equality. Call your Superintendents. Ask them to look at this “ESSENTIAL program right here, right now! 207-236-4736.
It is time we mean what we say- Solutions Require Action!
We have the program that will bringEquality with READING & Peer Equality in the classroom. This is not Step #1. IT is STEPS # 1-5. Once these kids all fit in, there will be NO divide. Adults have created inequity and keep it going at home. WHY! Parent’s often have had similar problems of being bullied or bullying by middle school & experienced this very hard (now unnecessary) struggle at school also- since 3rd grade).
Since 1950’s Education Management has created that divide–calling our kids names like ADD and Dyslexia. Is that helpful when these Ed. Managers have no solutions & no cure other than to medicate or get Literacy programs? So… they keep trying to help these POOR kids read for decades. These poor kids are poor from our neglect to simply, “Recover their Reading Skills” (not at literacy program).–WE CAN do this “recovery” simply now! Then the kids become SMART once again.
We can simply & TODAY CHANGE THE FACE OF EDUCATION! & TO DATE, NO ONE HAS LOOKED AT THIS PROGRAM SINCE IT WAS FIRST PRESENTED IN FLA,1999 & MAINE IN 2000.(Ran formerly by Grant 1999-then waited 2000;2009,2012,2015,2019-21& 2025).
LOOK NOW…. Read Testimonials of Remarkable Success and/ or if you can not read LOOK AT THE PICTURES. We also have PhD Study DATA! Shame on all of us! —(for my poor marketing skills) & you for your avoidance of this unique & wonderful program! NOW let’s promote a “essential program like no other “in every American Public School classroom & SAVE OUR KIDS.
Written By D. Parker Pres. FVYD …still waiting, patiently. Future VisionsYouth Development, Inc. a 501c3 Non-profit Org. with ….
Developer of Youth Programs for Education & Health Promotions since 1991-2025
It appears that “the War Mongers of our Nation” do not read books to kick back and relax! Good books like C.J. Box or James Patterson even Zane Grey…These books have guns in them too but used for self-defense only. Know why now about 30% of Adults today– can’t read these books. One reason of many is–the Print is too small & they can only read a page or 2 at best before they give up or fall asleep. They are 3rd grade readers. Truly! So why not read LARGE PRINT–stigma? That a poor excuse! Truth is,I know it is more than that & I know how to fix READING & EQUALITY IN LEARNING in schools-with a 15 minute program for a few months & now they read!
***I can read quite well –after the first book I ever read. It was in college-1st book LOVE STORY! …then I wanted MORE!
Right now in every State in our former peaceful Nation there is more than just one CRISIS LOOMING! And this one, like many of the others… no one knows about yet, because t,he Drama/ Trama in society now is unending! We should have known it was coming! Why do you all think TikTok is so popular! No wonder why- it is used for people to make faces and dance on, or to read and write just a few lines to humiliate others. While…
…There are 40% & a growing number of students-in our current student population who cannot read (well)- with proficiency- past 3rd grade level. The 3rd grade reader speaks- 1-word-at-a- time & with no flow or understanding i.e. fluency or comprehension. Then these kids graduated HIGH SCHOOL with 6th grade Vocabulary. Education Managers tried for several decades to change this for those 12% in 1991. Then there were 15-17% in 2000, about 27% in 2012-& 40% in 2024. How many generations is that 2? Normally that would have been two generations–Today that is 1.5 generations-with our kids having babies at 33 & us in our late 60’s. That percent of change if we forecast to 2035–will be about 70% not able to read with fluency and comprehension. We will not need the only “sources of truth” we now have-BOOKS.
Food for Thought FFT: Books written before 2025 are the only source we have now or in the future that we can trust to have TRUTH IN THEM. As we welcome AI in 2025.
From our view, there is no priority now bigger for our Nation or our economy OR FOR TRUTH–than to get our Population Reading BOOKS! We have that Answer and the Simple program to do this. …but it is still in the box and the manual on HOW TO USE IT is only in ONE MIND.
Having responded to a comment made by an Education Manager on an Education Weekly Post (Linked in):–She did not like my word “rotten” when used to describe our struggling kids in our schools. And my response was……
When I said rotten kids—I was talking to you! Was that too powerful a word indeed!
…Ergo the problem: When I said “rotten” kids—I was talking to you who work in Education Management. -It is not you but our wonderful teachers who daily “does have to work” with –these troublesome, rude and unruly kids. Teachers have no protection—but your problem is with my one word? Education Managers ARE the directors of their School’s Educational Programs & Processes used in the classrooms & you ARE NOT subjected to these struggling youth daily.
And I, friend, do have the right to speak for them! –I worked for those Kids struggling in classrooms & on crisis and suicide units. I worked hard these last 34 years (unpaid) to find the causal factors! Not only to answer the questions but also to fix the problem. And I did it! Read these Testimonials.
What you can do!
Now, as I have NO access in schools to activate a 15 min. “Essential Program.” So, it is YOU who needs get it into schools to fix the problems (& also for the other sites to follow). We can SAVE Kids as well as their Educational futures and their Teacher.
And now with YOUR Education Management help, we can bring a direct & most remarkable work -today into all our US classrooms to SAVE OUR KIDS, all our Teacher, their hurting Parents, Schools and also Taxpayers. This simple work cuts costs….! (Oh! Maybe that is the real problem for it taking so long to fix the problem indeed)!