Written by Deborah Parker Pres. Future Visions Youth Dev., Inc. Org a 501c3 Non-profit Organization

If I am writing here this means I CAN READ too. That is right-  I CAN READ with fluency and comprehension while 40% of all students & many parents cannot. Here is that solution -again it is a SOLUTION …a REAL solution!!  Hard to imagine? LOOK!  www.myfuturevisioninc.com 


A very short program in every school will do it to reduce school costs also! —While it recovers many…thought to be our rotten and unruly & other kids too, thought to be “learning disabled.” Many are learning-blocked only. We, FVYD are NOT a literacy program! SeeTestimonials! This is what we want in all schools!

We fix binocular vision function.  -We align, reposition, enable, to improve agility & improve near and distance in visual system reflexes and that will additionally improve timing responses in the visual system. That is what we do in 15-minute (a bathroom break of time) for 12 weeks. And all the while, they are doing these fun tracked exercises-& from the second week on our Teachers are “actually teaching” to a much different child. One who now knows it was “NEVER THEIR FAULT they failed in schools.” And then, look at them NOW too, their head is high- as high now as their self-esteem. Isn’t it worth a look at this simple answer. WE get it into schools where it is an “essential program” today & together WE NOT ONLY SAVE OUR KIDS -WE SAVE EDUCATION TOO in all our schools.

Why We Do Not Stop Our UN-changing Standardized Reading Test Scores!

Another year, another the same ole…

Same Ole Failures with State Standardized Tests  So, who want them used any more…? WE DO!

Sure, we do… but that is not their answer. Our Education Managers EMs want us to just forget them. They, EMs are NOT the REAL TEACHERS who take the BLAME for years & for our growing number of kids failing that test. It is not our real teacher’s fault at all. Because what the State Standardized Test scores tell “ALL” is that our kids are not able “to read.”  Our Education Managers do not want that “Tell All” posted. (As it has been for the past several decades, nor any longer into the future). So, because Educators can NOT fix it!  WE CAN FIX IT –in schools with a simple ‘essential’ program that is Ed -tech delivered directly to students in 15 min. with quick results & benefits. These tests today demonstrate our problem is actually getting worse. As a conditioned trait–because that is what it is & now add use of cellphones (more data on this is needed, now). 

For 2 eyes, vision is becoming restricted to a small close-screen 6” near to the face. And/or now (2) eyes i.e., binocular vision needs only to accommodate distance for that small Twitter distance to read & that technology affects brainwork also. Or they see only a short distance for words NOT lines of print. The 10-12 ft is for TikTok dance & that only is what works for many now. We are losing the ability to read BOOKS and CONTRACTS with paragraphs & line tracking or wrapping. Those 40% of eyes now cannot use word recognition either or many visual tasks-with both eyes. Or read anything well with fluency. Are one-eyed humans our future- or are we becoming aliens with AI reading for us!  Trust that!  Kidding …or am I?

Check this website:  www.myfuturevisioninc.com   

This truly  is what you should seek? We want to control new limitations in reading failure & reverse these numbers of failing students. We do want to broaden our kids’ vision– to read all with fluency and complete comprehension -not have to guess at the print or what is in it by a few words they might know–for the contents. That is not reading-that is guessing and then try that on a Contract you are asked to sign. How does that work for you?

It is hopeless unless you can see to read!

When we can & will “change those Standardized Tests scores”. Our FVYD RESULTS will show immediate improvements; then our kids can all enjoy school.  Then only will we and their Parents & teachers find and enjoy our Kids happy- instead of having Kids-At-Risk of the many horrors out there today. Lets get them reading & save them first..     

www.myfuturevisioninc.com     Read the Testimonials.


Blog -2025 Feb. by Deborah Parker


On another website, there was a real nice picture provided of a Mom bending down–in the school yard to high-five her child (with Medical – 20/20 + acuity) glasses on. This is a real nice picture, but…lets be real! 

We do now need a plan for those large percentage 30-40% of kids—with 50% of these Parents who also-do not read well ( They these parents do often work 2 jobs- many manual labor.

Better for Teachers– to let their staff make an appointment time 1/2 hour with the Teachers (at both Parents & Teachers convenience). But…school staff MUST call them to make those appt. because many parents do not READ SCHOOL NOTE either. There is little other time to get with them–and we do not want “OTHERS” talking badly about Parents who do try hard but can not be at the schools— because the mortgage money must be earned first. Then the groceries ….and the electric, but–they still eat dinner at that family dinner table every night. And will say a prayer or two from time to time  at bed together also. You know, Good Parents!

*Our FVYD intention is to change all of this for a much better living experience for all. It starts right here ! www.myfuturevisioninc.com   Look and Read if you can -Testimonials speak loudly if you cannot read  see PICTURES.

Ignorance Has Damaged Education

Feb. 2025 Blog: Know what has damaged Education in America?

By Deborah Parker, Pres. FVYD

Largely it is Ignorance…. and

There is no excuse for it- when we have the simple tool and program needed to bring real EASY changes into all our classrooms to empower our students. This will change Public Education forever! Do you think that student numbers  30:1 teacher is a very large classroom for one teacher? 

It would be real hard for our wonderful teachers today in this 30/1 classroom trying to teach that large a group 40+% not reading. And…with all their chronic disruptions due to –assessment, behavior & just missing school Absenteeism—is it truly due to chronic ill health or problematic school-life with bullying or a struggling homelife because their one or more parents may not read either  and/or have to work 2 jobs due to high cost of living. Do not blame them—for our kids school struggles.

Alternatively, when all the kids in that same 30/1 Middle School class are ALL able to use their Reading Skills & are willing and able to learn effectively and therefore with peer equality- the story might be very different. -What that means is all these kids are READING- with fluency and comprehension!   And… soon at grade level. Believe me, what a difference that makes!. 

For a calmer classroom: To Save our Teachers too! 

In the short term, NOW, as we are losing those wonderful teachers in droves today–maybe this simple easy essential school program– is the one answer US DOE need to consider.  

It is the ONLY REAL SOLUTION for READING  RECOVERY & makes it very simple to get the job done.

Then, even with this big group in a class—with willing and able students, it might become probable to actually have a NICE day at schools & to have Teachers actually teach them something. Just to mention–when all the kids reading skills are recovered, they actually have smiles on their face and LOVE TO GO TO SCHOOL TO LEARN.  Don’t we all want that for them. Once recovered, they are SMART!  You will have to trust me on this, because it does not occur in Public Education today!

**That answer is here, www.myfuturevisioninc.com–spend a few minutes looking at all those testimonials i.e., PICTURES OF OUR SUCCESS – MAKE IT HAPPEN!

****Call the US DOE and tell them we–Future Visions Youth Dev. Inc a501c3 Non-profit does have their Answer! And yes, we will share it with all America Public Schools as an “essential program.” This recovery works in 15 min/12 weeks.


BTW: Education Week put out an article to help: Elementary Students Can’t Manage Their Emotions. What Schools Can Do to Help!

I have a better idea—LETS FIX THE KIDS NEEDS

Again, I would like to see Teachers actually able to teach to kids who are comfortable in their classrooms, reading proficient at their grade level and also Peer equals. This is possible at or after starting 3rd grade– with new learning for Education Management. It is not our teacher’s job to help children cope. They can teach them sharing and kindness, manners and taking turns in Pre-K. 

What is currently happening is 40% of students after 2nd grade is they (kids) are struggling with ALL of the above. And… Teachers often daily have to work through all their 7-15/ for a 30 class of kids- with their individual learning limitations & their daily emotional struggles as well and what changes? NOTHING! Teachers get the blame for these kids failing and failing and by the way these kids are coping.  Its called “conditioned adaptive & avoidant behavior.” It is not always good! WHY? When we have that Answer to STOP ALL THIS! Truly! www.myfuturevisioninc.com Testimonials-Here is one from Olga Perez and ED-tech. she loved it!

OLGA Perez
