Our life has just become more difficult today

BLOG NOV 2024 Our life has just become more difficult today….tomorrow is going to become so much harder. Time to prepare for that. What can you do?

Many people will be deported–if you try to help them- you will be arrested.
Food will increase in price and not all food will be available.
It will be most difficult to live on Social Security–that is not so secure.
We will make it for a few months before we see the effects of the poor ( uninformed) voting choice made in this election. But….not too long away in the future violence & stealing crimes will increase. They have to, people need to eat. Don’t worry, more people will be shot. We have big guns now in the public.

So it is not the season to plant our food and the Big Box store prices are preparing for the Tariffs under Trump so buy NOW! Trump may be shutting down banks (is that for MUSK bitcoin)?…So buy metals-gold and silver. Have no money to do this then take your jewelry to get an estimate NOW for what $ you might get to live on – that price will decrease for you in the future. Or sell it now for gold and silver or COINS
He, Trump does not believe in climate change. So our future repair work already started and moving right along today, will stop—& is for nothing with gas cars again to be sold for low prices. If you eat meat buy it now or notice after Thanksgiving prices climbing.
I am a planner.  And have begun downsizing for a year in the future when I most likely will be moving somewhere else until US settles down again if ever. I cannot take the chaos now and that is going to be here and get worse. And Trump does not function daily without Drama or is that Trauma……for all of us. Get ready you did this & you will learn KARMA is… real.

The good stuff like this program we need now in schools is right here. www.myfuturevisoninc.com Read Testimonials. It takes 15 minutes a day for just a few months and our KIDS WOULD HAVE BEEN SAFE.

But….TRUMP is shutting down most of our supportive Government schools included…. more $ for him and his friends in charter and private  but this is not for all so who will be buying it…..  Oh, He’s got you!

Truth does not hurt….it informs so all can be better prepared for what will begin tomorrow PLAN 2025.

How to Control our Kids…or not!

Why are kids out of control in schools?

In my opinion, Kids today now in schools have parents guided by the, “No SPANKing directions of Dr. Spock”. Many of these kids from 0-6 throw tantrums instead when ASKED to do something or to eat something they do not want to. How is that working for Parents? Cooking multiple meals now? How about using firm redirection instead? Have you tried the one inch of water concept?… At 0-6 that works well.

For naturally calm 0-6 children this small % of kids may be fine generally but, they are the minority. While the others, who do the yelling (& at their parents or in public) and throw themselves or other things on the ground –that concept may not be working so well. But remember, “we do not want to stifle their creativity.” Many of these kids by 11-12 may later have a mental health diagnosis like Oppositional Defiance and/or Bipolar Disorder.

But that is not the discussion we are having today for kids out of control at home & it is the” then they get sent to schools’ -that is what we are talking about here. (There is hope that most young kids will “come out of it” when in front of their peers). But this may do greater harm—for a lifetime. Remember that- when it is just a habit that they can change- if they were directed (at home) properly to do so, maybe they would be participating fully instead once in school. And more liked by peers & included in peer groups). And as Pre-K or 3 -6 years old–most kids should be playing anyway because their vision development and reading skills are not working well with consistency or stability. What is the hurry—it won’t make them smarter—they are smart.  Instead, all we are trying to do is- we are forcing them to read younger. (This is important especially because of  those “out of control kids & later rude and abusive kids, who often also do not eat a varied diet or at regular intervals yet. Some never will. What a mess!

We are doing more harm than good! It does not have to be this way with new creative ideas to share.

ASIDE: This pattern of not eating is not a good idea for consistent insulin delivery in the body, either. Diabetes? 

Back to the problem at hand:
Many kids until about late 2nd-3rd grade are still reversing letters. So, forcing them to read early is building anxiousness (ADD and/DYS). Food for thought on my opinion…more to discuss on this topic later? By 8 years old that reversing of letters is often minimized. Then we recover their reading skills  

www.myfuturevisioninc.com Testimonial and all is well!
Or …should I start that next post with HOW WE SAVE OUR TEACHERS IN SCHOOLS? It is not their fault!




In response to another post on Linked in –Actually a gentleman suggest that “ being enough” is all we need to do!

So I responded….

Now, I do appreciate your positive view from your 6’0 male frame– And I do consider myself and our remarkable program work to recover the US Dept of Education unique work–no one else has ever had it- for all those decades of Education. And let’s see, I got that part about “shaping the entire conversation.” So with unique work & with PhD study support –that is covered also. So what else am I missing–I give the plethora of testimonials from kids, parent, teacher and school leaders to all about its Student SUCCESS at www.myfuturevisioninc.com

Problem is the door at the schools is locked by Education managers–and they have a cyclically negative viewpoint on –our 501c3 non profit org. “Solution (they have yet to see) that corrects the US Education downfalls of past! It appears because—there is no $$$ in well health for what simply fits that Educ. Gap. So, after decades (imagine that picture –of a 72 year old short fat white lady) of putting both feet on that door and pulling hard on the door they still are not budging. But instead they are bringing on their US DOE demise.


I just never considered the Educators— did not want DEI for all their student to Learn with Peer EQUALITY!

How did that get by me—dementia? 

Not hardly!…more like pride and greed!


Deborah Parker Pres, Future Visions Youth Development, Inc FVYD

A 501c3 Non profit Organization with a simple Education Solution for ALL

Rubber Ducks and or US DOE demise What do they have in common

A Rubber Duck OR Education fails parents, Education fails the student and Education fails teachers for several decades. What do they have in common?


Yes!! Thanks for the interest in learning something new about our Education system.  We have–been to all levels of Education- and “brought it”  ( the solution) to ”FEDERAL & STATE” and many many times NO ONE HOME. — So our answer is “No” in response to your comments “they do not need to be revamped”—& that my friend is the solution everyone suggests –just throw out the bathwater. 

That is NOT my Solution –when the simple FIX takes 15 minutes for 12 weeks why waste more money—habit? 

Yes!! Education fails parents, education fails student and Education fails teachers–so where do I “bring it” now! I suggest I “bring it “to you!
****It only needs one rubber duck to create a new experience–I got that duck.


D.P Pres. FVYD

Here are some New #’s educationfails; # educationfailsparent; Educationandrubberduck #educationfailsstudent; EducationfailsAmerica; #usdoefailsparents; #Educationsolutions #USDOEfailsstudent; #USDOEfailsteachers #SAVEOURKIDS




The US Dept of Education is necessary for order, for stability and for childhood development structure. And it needs to be a SAFE HARBOR! Sure parents know it does not deliver what their child needs. Parents today by middle school are finding they also can not control or direct their youth well. (There are a few reasons for this). —- Lets focus on Education first—-.
Three decades ago–I had a child struggling to read. As a Laboratory Director after 3-4 years of researching this Reading topic–I found little–but with tenacity I found the right EXPERTS with a solution. Education today does not have it yet. EDUCATION TODAY DOES NOT HAVE IT YET!
—Often repetition works for learning! After I found it for me–As a Public Service Leader I created the ORGANIZATIONAL WORK & with PhD data for you
for all of you. NO ONE PAID ME 33YEARS–TO DO THIS $180,000 OF WORK.
And….it WORKS GREAT AND QUICK & it is NOT in your schools- So now instead you are “SEEKING” THE DESTRUCTION OF THE US DOE–
How ignorant is that?????????? …to continue.
Then, 29 years ago I founded a 501c3 Non profit–with this unique, & 2012 with its PhD level study– so Every Student will Succeed ESSA with a simple program. SIMPLE PROGRAM
This is the only thing that America’s US Education needs for all students—to prosper from learning and thrive & finally even ENJOY any and everything they “want to–chooose” in learning.

BUT…just like this election–every one thinks they know what is best and –How is that working for you????


—Now to SHUT DOWN EDUCATION instead. Wrong choice, again!
LOOK -SHOW & TELL is right here www.myfuturevisioninc.com
OH ….I have a unique idea why not “LOOK AT IT” first!


It is never to late to get it right—when that “first time that we do” is NOW!


Written by DParker, Pres. FVYD a 501c3 Non-profit Org. (founded 1996)