by Deborah PARKER PRES. FVYD 2024

WE, FVYD   have a Non-profit 501c3 Organization to share with you- It was founded in 1996 & in those 28 years following, have not asked the “public at large” for any donations. Are you interested in why that is? It certainly is a “need to know” for you!
And first please review  ALL those who benefited from our 1st FVYD work! See all the testimonials and lets get this essential program in all American Public Schools.

Now Sept 2024 by Deborah Parker, Pres. FVYD
After the first 5 years of researching with NO INTERNET from 1991 to 1996, I a scientist/researcher- and Clinical Laboratory Hospital Director with a Masters in Human Relations (behaviors) understood what was missing in Education. (I had found what fixed my own child reading skills). So I then founded Future Visions Youth Development Inc. FVYD 501c3 Nonprofit Organization. In 1996-1999 FVYD held meetings on a new Subject- READING SKILL RECOVERY RSR & with those (3 Doctors): and each having 30+ years’ of experience). These Subject Matter Experts SMEs at my dining room table helped to develop that –unique RSR program for your schools –that would not fail to recover our kids.
We had to make sure for you that we would get it right the first time- and in 1999-2000 in 4 PBC Fla. School we did just that. (In 2000 on the Fla. Gov. Budget –our next program was not funded–with our next 10 schools & with 7 -trained Clinical Doctors waiting.  At NASA you see- the Hubble Telescope needed a lens). This was in Florida & after FVYD gave –these 33 youth back their Reading Skills and their future educational life changed.  They all passed and went on to thrive at their own 12 local schools.

We are here again. We are not waiting any longer (kids are dying daily)– for schools to open their doors—waiting 23 years & nothing has changed in Education since. While in 15 minutes we can SAVE OUR KIDS!  Send your donations! To the best program possible for the Recovery of our Kids at Risk!
Our Kids are screaming for this help! Can’t you hear them! …or do you only hear their bullets.

Why Teachers Leave School!

Why teachers leave schools! 

This is so unfair for TEACHING today–the classrooms have 40% of students who cannot read. And teachers are supposed to do what with them? This is factual for 9/2024 and getting worse. 

Our Teachers who are not paid enough are simply leaving work that they used to love, because of the children’s behavior and parents rudeness! -Our teachers on a daily basis have been made accountable for these troubled and highly disruptive students. WHY? Parents cannot handle them at home, either! 

You wonder why teachers do not want to come back to classrooms. And, Administration, Counselors and our Police officers often respond with the same struggles dealing with these rotten kids– that TEACHERS have every day… 

Parents cannot handle their kids, either! So they send them to school, pointing fingers at the Teachers. It is a bit hypocritical (wrong) don’t you think! 

We can fix this! (read testimonials)

We, FVYD have to Recover the Kids FIRST! Because….We can!
And… MOST IMPORTANTLY –a lot of the above–IS LARGELY BECAUSE the Child /KID/youth/student CAN NOT READ! I know you cannot connect the dots for all of this! 

But lets together fix just one class at one school (& we FVYD has!) So you can see, how all life changes both in the classrooms and at home.  Lets Save both Kids and our wonderful teachers, too!

Until the kids needs are corrected, NOW, it will only get worse if that is possible—-Or, we fix it first and change their lives.
And… watch the brilliance of this work as it quickly unfolds all around them. This simple work will keep them safe in school and deter them from drugs and alcohol when they are equal and busy learning is school. You have got to believe me until you can see it yourself. 

Or by middle schools, as you well know—they are truly out of hand, no longer controllable (or safe) and definitely no longer nice, generally depressive in nature & heading for illness or worse.   Instead….

Lets help the Teachers stay at the jobs they love!…and let our kids read!


Get our Future Visions Youth Development, Inc. FVYD program in all American Public Schools–The US Dept. of Education will not consider this–So now is the time to Call Pres. Biden to get this essential program now in every American Public School.

It is up to you!

Early Ed or Let Kids Play!

Is Early Ed Reading the only Solution for Three (3) years old!

by D. Parker Pres. FVYD & Masters in Human Relations MPS

In my opinion, our young need “social schools” to play, be creative & aware of others, first. Now, these young are often rude & hostile to one another. (And from their texting in middle school, we see our kids are losing empathy)! They say anything they wanted to others–without considering how the other person might FEEL about those words! …With social skills we can get that “caring” back with the young! (Assimilation: Piaget) 

 In Early Ed, for the Kids who do not read early, these kids may not read better until after age 7+. This is because they may still be reversing some letters. Why push reading –will that make them smarter or just angrier!  These kids, may just need time for more physiological mechanical development i.e., using mazes and coloring in lines & visual stability that comes with growth. So, wait until 7+ for pushing these young kids to read & keep the print bigger—just read to them. With paragraphs: start with just a few lines together of large print & use your finger to trace the line with them in front of you. Let their eyes follow your finger.

Next is when FVYD program steps in & fixes it, 3rd grade-adult.

Until then…Social Skills are never too early for the young!

But first as a Parent it is up to you! For early behavior let’s start with — Firmness! So…when parents say something they have to mean it. HOLD YOUR KIDS TO TASK!  (If only for our teacher’s sanity!) For our young kids to be ok, they must understand,” NO and Stop” for safety! This is easily done by using, “Distraction and Redirection techniques.” For example, when they are running toward the street use this- “Stop! OH LOOK HERE, SEE THIS!.   Teach them early on to share, thank & complement others.  Instead, now, we just let them go– not good. (You were not born knowing how to develop yourself).  Parents have dropped the ball; it only gets worse as their kids grow. Then TEACHERS get ALL the blame!  And…parents get rude! 

**This is not for all Kids—some are perfect from birth! But the others are just as smart- but stuck- until we free them for the rest of their lives!  

Meanwhile, for all the rest…share the family dinner table for 3 minutes of “How To” have a decent conversation & talk about their “GOOD DAY”! These 3 minutes of table talk about what was “good” today! Where everyone gets that chance to speak. For many of those Kids with problems behaviors, this family time –helps them a lot with Patience & HOPE! 

Future Visions Youth Development, Inc techniques CAN FIX THE READING FOR ALL & quicky so we get this essential program in the schools now, where we will train staff to do it in 6 hours! 

So, check it out here!  SEE    www.myfuturevisioninc.comCheck out the Testimonials on every page. Education needs this new Student Recovery Program to save Parents also.

What is lost with Absenteeism

When the absenteeism rate grows in schools what is lost?       

By D. Parker Pres. FVYD & Masters of Human Relations MPS

We lose:

1. Kids that get picked on regularly
2. Kids from that 40% that cannot read past 3rd grade level
3. Kids who are chronically anxious
4. Kids who are chronically ill with stomach aches or irritable bowels
5. Kids who fail tests often because they cannot read the sentence and/or even understand it to answer the question.
6 Kids who have reached their “cognitive load” (Dejong) ….and many more
7. They often miss lunch too.

How do we fix all of the above? Read the testimonials at and help us put this one essential program into all American Public schools. Then just get out of the way of these often SMART kids and just let them learn!…with this short 15 minute/12 weeks Well Health Promotion program. Read the Teachers Testimonials also! They LOVE THIS PROGRAM!

Kids Shooting Kids!


“ IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY!” quote made by VP Harris   Comments below made by D. Parker, Pres. FVYD

LETS HEAL OUR KIDS! Time we do more than talk about school shootings and our KIDS shooting Kids and, more School Shootings!

Many shooters are former angry kids…with associations to the school. The SCHOOL FAILED THEM, THE TEACHERS FAILED THEM–ALL AUTHORITY FAILED THEM.

So who is to blame….Parents run scared and don’t stop them either! In fact as we have seen they are giving them the gun!

Time long past due for the RECOVERY OF ALL THE 40% OF YOUTH!  WE, FVYD have that answer and have had it since we ran this 1st program FIRST in Palm Beach County Schools successfully in SY1999-2000. Then IN 2000 invited to MAINE, FVYD sought a  FED.  grant with Sen(s) O. Snowe & Collins to work with the State DOE, DHHS & DJJ & FLORIDA DOE schools also-no funding. Next was 2012 University PhD Fraud stopped then with the next 500 kids were waiting & ( 5) Superintendents approved. Then, 2015 ran this program with Homeschool group! Home Parents could not do the simple work as they had common factors with reading!—

(This work is easily done in schools 15 min/day/12 weeks as an essential program. 

We, then ran a PhD Research study and it selects the students….SY19-21 with 8 Maine schools,124 kids, (8) 8th grade teachers. Great successful data! That still sits here.

****We selected kids in those 15 minutes. Then just simple steps follow to evaluate these select kids, train ED techs in 6 hours and transition the kids after 15min/12 weeks back into- often the mainstream classrooms. To enjoy school with new vigor & excitement for their future. These are much happier kids, I promise you!

AMERICA SCHOOLS HAVE FAILED—lets recovery the classrooms together!

And…now today in GA Schools kids once again have died. And today our KIDS & others still  are shooting our kids! 

While, we are still sitting here–since way before Columbine, Shady Hook and Parkland School not one of you is taking ACTION TO HELP THE SOLUTION!  We never stop trying!  It is hard to market (Not Reading recovery program ) to reading people. But reading kids today are getting shot also!

Look at these TESTIMONIALS

***Call Pres Biden & VP Pres . Harris.  Tell THEM (not their staff-no answer yet from 25 letters sent),that the ONLY SOLUTION for Education is right here  & not at the US DOE where we all have been looking since 1945–They still do not have the answer. WE DO!