What Do Debates Prove!

I was not going to “take in” much about the debate – I left it there as worthless!

What I saw with Pres. Biden’s body language had to do with his inability to swallow –the multitude of lies Former Pres. Trump continued to spew from his library of lies-he has grown to maga proportions. Please!

Former President Trump did not provide an ounce of thoughtful banter that could be considered debate worthy. His habit of repeating past “said” words again and again–without thoughtful content or any development did not grow that debate.

That was my take and I left it there that day. But not the press! They are selling new & have become shameful in that drive…. while we, FVYD  are  “Saving our Youth!”

They, the press with few exceptions– did not leave the debate there. Instead, they have forced the wave to become the horrific Tsunami. They co-created the negativity it so that the dirt thrown around became that volcanic “now mountain” that is still throwing burning ashes on creative thoughts.

So, let’s return to reality where…. great men are great men –no matter the age. And others by their current & continued negative action are not. 

If you all cannot see what greatness has been achieved in the past 3 years—you have not been looking and your hearing is lacking also.  The slow and methodical work done—allows all of us still to breathe. But, not for much longer. So wake up! Oh yes, the end of this is near.

Shame on all of us for minimizing good and promoting chaos instead. We are hell bent on doing that. Change your face, change your focus and stand up for morals and ethics.

Life is not meant to be always drama found today on every channel as reality TV. We do not want to live in soap operas where morals and ethics have no value or space.  We still “have to be better” for a next generation, and creative now to develop once again the Foundations for our Childrens growth, forward. Be grateful to GOD we still stand!


While a horrible school year ends, I continue to hear the struggles the kids are having in Education. Parents are broken & carry greater loads- thinking they have to… NO, not anymore! Time, we lighten that load, because we can. But what I have seen currently there for schools will not do that

I have watched a new direction being created this past year– that is expected to direct learning on to a new pathway. But STEM is for higher learners, CTE for kids with no diverse career choices and AI does not tell all the truth.  New technologies in learning are welcome but not alternative to—those found by reading & learning from a truthful source with a multitude of benefits found just by that freedom. A book can go anywhere. 

So, when all the ASHES clear and they will — Great men still are great men –no matter the age.

And others are not… Do we have to be on a side?

I will continue as I have day in and day out over these past 33 years. The door is opened with this website.  You can see me now & with NO AI HERE, all hear me now in all these student, parent, teacher, principal testimonials. And…

Yes, we are simple but moving with stability and progress forward passing through the chaos to save the Kids with all of your help this 2024 summer.

So to bring a new reality of awareness, growth and gratitude for our wonderful teachers who remain still to teach our struggling and at risk Kids. To tell teachers they are not alone, and they are not to be blamed.

We, FVYD bring “a phoenix” ALIVE with student safety, growth and well -health promotions to education.


All we all need and, right now is, Future Visions (Essential Program for our) Youths Development, Inc.  To empower now and in the School Year to come SY24-25 our learning equality platform & protocol for all—that will create the enrichment of peer equality to be shared within all classrooms.  Calming the waters! With our simple essential program in all American Public Schools so all our kids may learn and be peer equals.  While Education in America will hold a new honorable role in America’s recovery and to retain our place of Leadership of the Free World.

Let’s move forward together and SAVE our Nation, too.

Thanks to all who share the truth.

From Deborah Parker, Pres FVYD 7/8/24

The behavior of STUDENTS

The behavior of STUDENTS….   The philosophy of our ALLOWING POOR STUDENT BEHAVIOR has to change when every occurrence impacts the whole, negatively! (We are not talking about our 3% of Special Students here). —But we do include all the others.  It also  affects your tax base-especially for schools & boy are those are high taxes! So that said… what if a simple program will change it!

Point 1. When our kids are out of control:…Teachers are leaving the classroom due to rude, dangerous student behaviors and lack of any strong support from School Management…If not in schools where will our children learn—home?  AI does not tell the truth 100% of the time. Then what will they learn! Just the thought of that is truly scary! And, think hard, you will go on complaining won’t you! to change that…

Is it not obvious by now…. even third-party School Counselors are leaving schools…Wonder why when mental health is a priority today? It is because these (contracted). Counselors do not want to work with troubling kids and adolescent kids in schools either. That reason is, they have no effective tools for these struggling and at-risk kids who are nightmares to our teachers. We, Future Visions Youth Dev. Inc does!

Point 2. Where ALL remarks are positive:   What I hope for today is that you finally see FVYD (here) with all the principals, teachers, parents and kids’ testimonials supporting our simple work.                www.myfuturevisioninc.com . Our simple program has what you need and want—You just do not know it yet! Do you not want more of this good stuff for your troubled kids in school! You DO want your kids’ recovery!—Or do you just like to complain about the drama and danger around them & how poor the (wonderful) teachers are! How about you-what is going at home with them? …Do you have a pleasant, reasonably controlled, and safe environment there. FVYD knows that answer for many of you is NO!…So I guess our FVYD work IS FOR YOU!

Point 3. Call the Superintendents in these towns zip codes noted here—only that couple calls will make the difference for all. Because the answer to all your outcry is right here mentioned above and here. It is unique and different and wholesome and healthy. It is….

  1. A different type of website for parents, teachers, and schools: HOPE FILLED—call the Superintendents- to look at this incredible work and open school doors. 
  1. BOur work is empowering…What we have developed with of team of Subject Matter Experts SME will Save Kids The simple work give tremendous support to Teachers and finally allows our Parents of  these hurting teenagers to breath once again. 

Point 4. All of your needs are met here within…. A simple program for your schools—What a gift you can give by calling these few Superintendents to ask they look at this simple remarkable program.

Let’s include this essential program in all their schools. Developed, by our FVYD Team of these SME, as a simple program for Public Schools—with a short program that is remarkable because it actually works. It has never been made available to the public anywhere, yet. Why? Food for Thought!

My Promise:  For our FVYD selected student…the promise is we will change your student’s life in school! Once we get this simple program in all Public Schools–then Teachers can teach, and students will learn. FVYD needs your help now to seek& find Superintendents who approve for our entry for 12 weeks / 15 minutes a day (liken to a bathroom break). We will write the grant.                                                          ASIDE: I learned one thing well at Northeastern Univ while there in Bouve School of Health. ASIDE: When Freshman class started with 488 student’s  & ended  5 years later in the Allied Health program with 22 graduated—what I learned was stamina and determination.  Then learned more at NYIT- MPS  

Behaviors do change once hope is restored! Now together we will SAVE Public Education because our non-profit 501c3 simple work will… Make Change Happen! –How about that helping hand! Share our website www.myfuturvisioninc.com with all you know and ask all who believe in these tremendous Testimonials on every page— to call the Superintendents noted here (first- in these zip codes- and ask they test this program for you). In the first 4th month the answers are right there in their schools. Really, those former struggling troubled and obnoxious kids change in just the first few weeks—when their HOPE returns and they know it was not their fault!! 

It is that simple to SAVE our KIDs! Your call will cut the time much shorter for FVYD to get this student empowering-recovery work faster into your local schools. Once we build the template, Believe me! With Gods help- and our determination it will be coming to you! 

Deborah Parker, Pres. Future Visions Youth Development

What brings teens to SUICIDE at this time of year! …and how we stop it now!

I spent time on a suicide unit & also on a youth crisis unit. Their parents were lucky these kids survived & many tried again. I was very successful there. Those who worked with me, did not come back. They moved on to make a difference in their lives…because the one thing I could give them, was not the fix yet, but; I told them the truth. ” It was not their fault.”
As the school year ends, in schools some kids get depressed while others panic. They THINK they are left behind and/or do not yet know what the future joys are yet in their lifetime futures. TEENS critical thinking is about yesterday and how they fit in with peers and next week and how they fit in with peers–that is it. So today it is critical we provide a well-tested program into their direct view in all our local schools. This simple program is a healer, it builds peer equality as it resolves their problems right in front of them. With all your calls now to the “local Superintendents” to zip code 04330, 04572, 04841 & 04861 — we will SAVE A LOT OF KIDS. But you will not know that because they will live & WELL HEALTH WILL MOVE THEM FORWARD TO NOW THRIVE IN SCHOOL.

But here we are with the summer before us and these kids are “At Risk” now! .Lets give them HOPE instead–Let’s tell them we can bring a much different and exciting future to all & they will soon not only “FIT IN”-they will “THRIVE—because generally most are SMART and “truly, it was not their fault or their teachers fault.” The only fault finding -is for this ignorance to continue now. It is from your continued INACTION when all it takes is a phone call. Ask our local schools to put this FVYD program in their school as an essential program for every struggling youth. — With its ” New Approach to Reading– we deliver their Reading Skills Recovery.” I suggest you READ the testimonials, as our FVYD approach works remarkably well. And, if you cannot read (-as 40% of parents cannot still read either), ASIDE: –(They are some of our still-living struggling kid who have grown up).
Then look at the pictures. www.myfuturevisioninc.com. Inaction cost us lives & limits the careers for these young adults forever.

From this simple FVYD work done in schools by Ed-techs (and paid by school contracts)-we reduce schools’ costs. Is that what is stopping you? Fear of our success! — From this point forward, your FEAR should be these kids “free time in summer.” While what we will provide is a short fix -a 15-minute fix. That simple fix then becomes a template to replicate— for a region and as it grows (liken to a racehorse) throughout the State & across our Nation. WE, together, are going to SAVE A LOT OF KIDS & also provide a growing empowered Workforce!

This short work in schools that supports also our teachers is dynamic! —
Its success breeds excitement across our nation for not only restoring HOPE but as a PROMISE of a much better Educational- future for all. As we keep our kids well, alive, thriving & as we SAVE OR KIDS now &—until we have them supported by this simple work—know you are a part of something hugely positive. With a new toolbox that offers a new pathway to WELL HEALTH for all & empowers a new and different future for all our kids.
Let’s do this together. – Sure we, Future Visions Youth Dev. Inc need donations—that cannot stop us! Today I am asking you to punch a few keys on your phone-directly to the Schools and Central District OFFICES–to save these HOPELESS kids NOW from depression…drugs…alcohol and suicide…. BECAUSE WE CAN when you all ACT NOW. Tell those Administrators of your interest in getting this work in all our schools. You want it done, today! Look at www.myfuturevisioninc.com we at Future Visions Youth Dev. Inc. FVYD will do the rest! Thank you!
…And meanwhile this summer, now, should you have one of the thousands of “Kids at Risk” today— let them know you are working on what will surely help them soon in schools. Tell them, “IT WAS NOT THEIR FAULT” & now you know why school is so difficult for them. “So please come to me and we can talk…Hold On! Help is on the way!”

God bless us all & hope FVYD can move fast enough for your child!

Alex a Kid at Risk!


Do you want him in your classroom? 

ALEX was a kid at risk. But, he is different. He is an example of fortitude & hope for all At- Risk Kids because he told us about all he had done to get the help he needed from FVYD. Who knew? 

Alex was 13 years old & he had been in 4th grade (for almost a 4th time). Alex was always in trouble in school. He fought and bullied others to get suspended regularly! His teachers tried to like him & support him, each year, but they had long ago given up.  The other 4th grade- 9-year-old classmates were just scared of him.  

One day his school life changed, he gotten himself moved to a Behavioral School to made FVYD fix his Reading problem. That is right, he made it happen! His mother said to me, his teacher and also his sister had begged them -for her brother. Mother had said “no” because this youth  had had a Medical Eye Exam 20/20 acuity- his eyes were healthy & fine. 

Then ALEX arranged FVYD to meet his parents at his home– to explain to them just how FVYD works to Recover Reading Skills & “yes” our simple work is only for healthy eyes. We are a non-profit 501c3 ESSA-supportive program for schools! Now back to the teachers…

Lets ask Teachers just how troublesome in class At-risk kids are– they have plenty to say & all was not good! Working as a Substitute all grades/all subjects & on youth crisis and also suicides units, allow us to know well & share with you about,” just how rough” most of these frustrated and downtrodden youth are.”  

But first let’s look at the symptoms page—because…. Who knew this is what these kids are actually seeing & trying to read through one-word- at -a -time for their life? And….  now with persistent troublesome behaviors for teachers and parents, too. Their parents, many who do not read well either – may have these same issues as conditioned traits?.   

 It doesn’t need to be this way!                                       


   Open school doors for FVYD so we can fix this for all these at-risk students & youth! 

   Then our Teachers can teach to an inclusive, peer equal & calmer classroom and all can learn! 

Why Choose Mental Illness Instead of Reading for our Youth!


(1) Let’s let our kids avoid mental illness in Elementary school;  

(2) It only gets worse in Middle School: but… FVYD can help!  

(3) Alternatively, death or dying in High School- Parents & FVYD choose life! 

Part 1 Let’s let our kids avoid mental illness.                                                                                  It is so simple to make our kids truly happy –to be just peer equals & students in school! All we need to do is, “Save 6 of them” in each class of 30- from developing their anguish more fully. This happens when these few kids each begin to feel “less-than” the other classroom kids there at school between 3rd -5th grade. To Save Them– let’s first consider their current alternative behaviors & choices. Then, all parents & teachers will understand how today only we, FVYD  (with a simple program &  new information to share)- can keep our kids,  free from STRESS & promote them happily forward to enjoy their being at school!  Let me explain! _____________________________________________________________ 

On their life path: Kid that cannot read well in school at or after 3rd grade have a lot of stress & they often bring their cranky-self home also, for their parents to share their daily struggles!  All kids ‘have to’ have something to do, pretty much all the time. Teachers are often great keeping them continually engaged & until 16 years old, when alternatively, they can work.  Simple chores (remember)–do not need to be paid for. They are great tools -when all participate, but few parents use that tool effectively today to their benefit. Soon… 


1.Lets first see what those few kids who can’t read- (about 6 in 30) are doing at 3rd grade while in school.  When they discover they cannot read like their peers– who they truly want to emulate & be friends with their self -esteem takes a dive. Sure, they can just, ‘watch those popular kids have fun with others’ but that would make these struggling youth- seem creepy to others. So, most of these 6 don’t do that. (They do, have to do something or they know they will be bullied instead)! Instead, they begin to feel bored at school and/or they become bullies themselves -early on.  Alternatively, they might start Acting- out and/or initiate some subtle aggression. (Who wants this to begin this early in our—8-9 years old kids)? 

Special Service tries to help; when FVYD will instead fix the problem! 

  1. 2. By 4th or 5th several of these kids (again about (6 +) in each class of 30) have moved now to sit  in or near the back 2 row They can hide better back there. Some of those kids can see the board from back there (most do have 20/20 vision) but many still can’t read anything from it- as the teacher and chalk move across that front board. By now 5th grade it doesn’t matter that their vision when looking at blackboard/chalkboard to desk may be slow to respond to that distance. Who knows, that it might take them 2-3 seconds to (accommodate) to focus there on the board, then ‘focus to assimilate’ (absorb) the information & then again focus back on the book or the text on the paper on their desk. It then may also- take them a few more seconds, when they look up back to the board!—They already know  they are left behind. They think it is normal—and, they are just dumb. (That mechanical movement for most of us takes only milliseconds).  But I do think these same struggling kids might just be OK with rifles & target shooting. And…once we fix this mechanics & recover their reading skills we find out how truly SMART they are. It is the intensity of their struggle that pushes them, hard.
  2. 3. And then there is the kid who tries (so… hard) to do that work at their desk—but when reading silently from a book or page the text makes NO sense. (Those 6+ or more, have such difficulty (with digit span issues or word or line skipping)—so they blink a few time and/or just continue to skip lines. When they do not have a flowthey also can not’ know’ what they are reading. It is called fluency with the comprehension for what they have read.

Then, they go to Middles school as 3rd grade readers still.   

Until “Schools open doors to this ESSA;2015 supportive work”& invite our remarkable work in to share !”—Then only can we, Future Visions Youth Dev. Inc FVYD non-profit 501 c3 Org. deliver a 12 week/15 minute short-inclusion program. In a 15 min. screen we select our youth with a checklist & evaluate their reading skills. Then initiate a simple 12 week/15 minute per day program –that will recover all of these issues for our struggling kids, teachers and parents too. 

Lets Save our Kids! Or Mental illness might get their door open instead of FVYD!