Learning in Class & Impact


Teaching in this Classroom:

Let’s begin with the SEATING IN THE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT where our children live every day!

The “smarter (or… those who can see to read)” students are often up front or in the middle rows and they most often pay attention. There are one or two youth toward the front with their heads down. (You think they are tired and sleeping, | know better- they are exhausted from trying to learn}. Some have vision issues that are very tiring to work with. Sitting close works for a while. They might be ok in the morning but by afternoon they are just plain worn- out & by trying to keep up and learn. There is nothing Medically-wrong with their vision. And… their interest to learn is high, but; their continued struggle to learn is hard-very hard. They will keep trying because with hope, they are resilient, and; they find hope in the smallest positive comments made to them as they continue to struggle daily to learn.

They may have Healthy Eyes—but with functionality issues like–Convergence excess, or Convergence Insufficiency or even Suppression or Accommodative Infacility or an Oculo-motor disorder…etc., they may not be proficient readers. Until we identify those issues on a (1) page Answer Sheet & resolve them our Teachers will continue to have difficulty in teaching these students. These eyes are healthy and medically sound! That 15 minute Answer Sheet- will target to identify LEARNING VISION ISSUES IN HEALTHY EYES. Instead we hold the Teachers accountable for their teaching inabilities with these students.

Let’s get back to the classroom– Somewhere along the sides row & lines– there are a few isolators—those often are “the loners.” Rarely do they give the Teachers any trouble. They usually do their work & keep their head down but looking at them further—what are they doing and why are they doing it? Often, these youth are the ones that get picked on daily by others—(& that bullying comes largely those students in the back two rows)! Those back rows often also have vision problems found also in HEALTHY EYES.

Now, let’s look in the back of the classroom in those back two (2) rows—whose back there? These kids that Future Visions Youth Development, Inc a 501¢3 nonprofit organization can help often have Accommodative Infacility Problems! The teachers cannot help them & yet our teachers will be held accountable and I know how hard these Teachers have tried to work with them. This is the group of kids who need to be back there because they need to hide- they cannot see to Learn. Some have problems accommodated to distance with unequal distance vision issues in each yet. It is a great place to hide back there & often there for our Teachers there are a few problematic kids back there and the teachers will generally leave them alone. These back rows generally serve their purpose. These vision problems by the right Doctors and Vision Restorative Program can be resolve ,but; no schools have it yet.

But, we expect that the TEACHERS will seek out all the failing youth and do what? Help them, how? Teachers do not yet have the tools to address these issues. They have tried and tried and tried to help all of their students any way they know how. God bless our wonderful Teachers!

Instead let FVYD provide the tools- and train the staff—Aides & Ed Techs can do the job well! When they are supported with the right program. Then the teachers will have a classroom where they are able to teach & Students with equal capacity “to see to Learn. “ There are many Smart Kids in this Academically- failing Group so let the fun begin for all!

I am asking as the President of Future Visions Youth Development, Inc. FVYD that you let us help the classroom environment to bring back the Student Equality they had in 2™ grade- before these problems in functional vision for Reading began. FVYD can and will correct it-—with a specific selective process & a 12 week program/15 minutes a day. That is the beginning and for most the end of their problems in school. It is a health promoting pathway for all of us.

Then all of our wonderful and skilled professional Teachers can teach students who are willing & once again able to learn. There are many more very smart students……once they can SEE TO READ & LEARN!

Thank you for your attention to this matter!

Deborah Miller Parker Deborah Parker, Pres. FVYD

by Deborah Parker, BS, MPS & PhD (in progress) written 9/2015/rev.2019

Experience: Substitute Teacher in (4) Maine schools—all ages, all subjects; with Process Development on Adolescent Suicide Unit & providing creative skills to Youth in Crisis as a Counselor within Mental Health Facilities. Additionally, | have worked to change the future of Teaching/Learning to improve efficacy in Education with “ A New Approach to Reading with Functional Eye Vision Issues & its Research for 28 years. | suggest myself a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in this new field of Learning.