As a community, we must take action to help over 40,000 students who struggle with reading. If we don’t act now, we risk losing their ability to read with fluency and comprehension forever. Our schools cannot do this alone. FVYD has a short inclusion program that can help these students recover their reading skills successfully. You can see the testimonials below: NOW ask Superintendents for the Maine #124 8th grade Student DATA Sheet from SY19-21. The Maine Education Dept. should have those to review. Then Schools can open their doors to let FVYD do the Student Reading Skill Recovery work, first, for you! This is the first step to recover READING! Then let our Teachers teach them!
In our local schools, 40% of students can’t read past third grade. Many of these struggling children become at-risk youth or unsafe teens by middle school. In high school, many of these youth drop out or engage in dangerous and unsafe activities. Instead, these kids should be thriving in schools with peer equality by 4th grade and growing into middle school, enjoying their creativity and learning, and feeling great about their growth and educational future in the last four years as healthy high school students. Unfortunately, this is not the case for many students, and it’s getting worse for our teachers too.
Please call your local superintendents and ask them to open their doors to Future Visions Youth Development. FVYD is a 501c3 non-profit that offers a remarkable healing and healthy short-inclusion program that lasts 15 minutes per day for 12 weeks. This program is supportive of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and we want to introduce it into our schools. FVYD will set the protocol in motion. Each group of 5-6 schools will be serviced by 6 hours of FVYD training. Ed-techs who apply this simple work will be able to use it in elementary schools for 3-4th grade or 7-8th grade in middle schools. This program can also be used for those who are struggling in 9-10th grade and CTE in high schools.
We expect our first programs in Maine to begin in schools on 1/2024. Thank you!
Deborah Parker, Pres. FVYD a 501c3 Non-profit in Maine with Community Answers 207-236-4736 (no text) : or cell 207-975-9595 [email protected]
Have your Superintendents Contact Us
Thank you all for your good intentions to SAVE OUR CHILDREN & ALL OUR KID AT RISK!
Please “Call All of our local Superintendents”—ask they “Open their Doors” and invite this wonderful, remarkable, healing and healthy, simple short-inclusion program (15 min./day/12 weeks) from FVYD Non-profit 501c3 into their schools.
Then, FVYD will set this short–inclusion protocol in process in each school & place. With each grouping of 5 -6 schools (serviced by 6 hours; FVYD trained), Ed-techs who apply this simple work – in one elementary at 3-4th grade or one 7-8th grade in Middle school and/or also with those hopeless who remain with fortitude- trying still to learn in 9-10th in High school.
Future Visions Youth Development waits to hear from those Superintendents –with interest in moving forward today!
We expect our first programs in Maine to begin in schools on 1/2024. Thank you!
Deborah Parker, Pres. FVYD a 501c3 Non-profit in Maine with Community Answers 207-236-4736 (no text) : cell 207-975-9595 [email protected]